Add a roof to your trampoline in minutes with a play parachute {easiest DIY ever!}

Our trampoline is easily the coolest thing we own, so naturally we spend a ton of time jumping on it, relaxing on it, and playing all sorts of games that include it. But, I'm always looking for ways to make it even more awesome, and I think I found the ultimate trampoline DIY. It's quick, it's easy, and it's really inexpensive to do.Trampoline funIntroducing the trampoline playhouse:
Trampoline playhouseJust look at that smile. That's the look of a child in their own bouncy playhouse.

What we’re playing with: Wishbone Flip

Remember my post back in 2012 about the Wishbone Flip, the coolest ride on toy, ever? {I'll wait while you check it out here}

Our Flip has gotten so much love in the past two years that it is simply called "sweet ride". As in, "I love my sweet ride," or, "get your sweet ride out of the kitchen, I'm trying to cook dinner." That kind of love.

Seeing as how the life of most baby toys is typically a few minutes, tops, I fully thought he would be done with his sweet ride by now. But, not only is he not anywhere near done with the Wishbone Flip, it's the one toy we rarely make him share because he's almost always riding on it.

Part of what made the Wishbone Flip last so long is that it's been able to grow with him. Not only does it adjust for height so it physically grows with your child, it also can be used in three different ways. First as a great toddler pushing toy, then as a rocking toy, and now as a super fast ride on toy that can be used in just about every game my little guy plays.

This will always be how I remember his childhood:

Wishbone Flip baby

Circa 2011 – Look at him! He's just a teeny tiny baby!

Encourage a love of reading with Kobo Kids

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KoboKids makes it fun to read
If I were to summarize what I’ve learned so far about preparing your child to learn, it would look like this: foster a love of reading in your child. This message has come in many forms, but it’s always the same takeaway. Read with your child, give your child access to great books, and, likely most important, lead by example, and you will prepare your child for success in numerous facets of school and life.

I feel we’ve done fairly well at this in most regards and we are definitely raising little readers, but up until recently we haven’t had much time to model this behavior ourselves. Any parent of young children will tell you that there simply are not enough hours in the day, and one of my main struggles has been finding the time to get back into the kind of reading I did pre-kids.  Siblings in coffee shop

Need for Speed Seattle screening and Q&A with Aaron Paul and Scott Waugh

by Tyler, editor and reviewer

Scott Waugh and Aaron Paul
A few weeks ago we got to hang out with my pals Aaron Paul and Scott Waugh for a bit when they came to Seattle for a press screening of their new film, Need for Speed. We talked about fast cars, explosions, and what it's like doing stunt work while driving around cars worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Not impressed yet? What if I told you that I also got to hang out with Sir Mix-A-Lot before the movie started? Oh, yeah, this happened. Need for Speed Sir Mix-A-Lot

The Head and the Heart – back in Seattle at last

The header and the heart
My love of The Head and the Heart started with a single song. A song I loved so much that I would listen to the radio just to catch it playing. We bought the album after only hearing that one song, and it was quickly added to our daily playlist. And, it never came off.

These songs quickly became the soundtrack to the last few years, and I’ve found that the more I’ve listened to it, the more I love it. But, it's not just me. In this house, we're all fans of The Head and the Heart. I figure the kids can listen to crappy music when they can pay for it themselves, so until then they can choose from our music libraries. And, it just so happens that they chose The Head and the Heart. Good choice, kiddos.
The Head And The Heart header

Build a fort as big as your imagination with Fort Magic

You may remember how much I adore Fort Magic fort building kits that make it easy to create amazing forts for the kiddos without an engineering degree, but now that the kids are older, I love it even more. Since our last post we’ve made huge forts in our living room, our family room, and even took the Fort Magic kit with us while on vacation so the kids could build an outdoor hideout for cousins only, complete with added satellite dish. 574491_416422895116389_1145160500_n

Haven’t heard of Fort Magic before? The Fort Magic fort building kit contains everything you need to create your own fort as big as your imagination. The 382 piece kit contains all different shapes and sizes of rods, connectors and accessories that allow you to build a fort – anywhere, anytime.

Fort Magic contents

Whole Foods has Valentine’s Day covered

Like always, Valentine's Day has snuck up on me and here it is just a few days away. But, this year, I'm not worried at all because I've got Whole Foods to help me get everything in one quick and easy trip. With everything from fresh flowers and gourmet chocolate to aisles and aisles of gourmet foods begging to be cooked up for a special Valentine, Whole Foods really does have you covered.
Chocolate at Whole Foods