What we’re playing with: PlanToys drum set
Mark my words: someday this kid is going to be in a rock band. And, I hope he's still rocking a "My Heart Beats for Mom" tee when he does.
We’ve gone Tinker Bell crazy thanks to Disney’s The Pirate Fairy
I love Peter Pan. So much so that I have a spot in my house that pays homage to the classic Disney film. This is the children’s play space, affectionately dubbed the “Scrog Pit” and it has a mural of a ship on the water with Never Land off in the distance.
Like I said, big Peter Pan fans around here. Maybe it’s because I never really grew up myself, but I never really grew out of Tinker Bell. I was hoping my daughter would have the same love of Tink and her fairy friends, and I can definitely say I’ve gotten my wish.
The Secret Garden emerges in Seattle
Here in Seattle, spring has officially sprung. Sunshiny days spent at parks and beaches, late sunsets, and sprouts popping up flower beds everywhere tell me that warmer weather is quickly approaching. And I, for one, am thrilled.
However, my wardrobe still thinks it is winter. When I open my closet I’m greeted by greys, blacks, dark patterns, and sweaters… so many sweaters. Obviously, a spring wardrobe update is in order.
When I heard that Macy’s in downtown Seattle was being transformed into The Secret Garden as part of the Macy’s Flower Show, I knew I needed to stop in.
Our new Easter tradition: HoneyBaked Ham
I love Easter. I love all the spring colors, I love pulling out my mismatched “fancy” dishes, and I love having family and friends over to celebrate with tea and snacks and then a full dinner.
But, there’s one Easter tradition I just can’t get behind. You see, I just do not like ham. I do not like it, Sam I am. I do not like it here or there, I do not like it anywhere.
Knowing this, you wouldn’t think I would be excited to write about a company like HoneyBaked Ham, but you’d be wrong. I will admit that when I was presented with a menu, the first thing I searched for was ham alternatives. Once I saw they had turkey {both smoked and roasted}, as well as a ton of sides, entrees, and desserts, I was in.
Find the perfect Mother’s Day present at ReCollected Pieces
What does every mom want for Mother’s Day? The answer is something personal and from the heart.
This is easy if you happen to have crafty kids or love macaroni necklaces, but what about for the rest of us? We can turn to Re:Collected Pieces, a Portland-based company that makes custom jewelry and more that any mother would love.
We’re not talking silver jewelry with personalized messages like anyone with a hand stamping set can make – what Tabitha at Re:Collected Pieces does is even more personal than that. Photo pendants, repurposed items, and artwork all become statement pieces to be adored and each custom work can be personalized in many levels. After checking out the ReCollected Pieces Etsy shop, I was smitten and knew I just had to have a custom piece. Starting the process was easy, I merely sent over pictures {one of my littles and one of hubby and I} to Tabitha with the instructions that she should have fun with them and show all that she can do.
You might wonder why I didn’t give specifics on what shapes I would like, sizes I would prefer, and baubles to add, but after looking at the Re:Collected Etsy shop, I knew it wasn’t necessary. There wasn’t a pendant or design I wouldn’t love to wear in the collection, and I trusted that Tabitha would make me something awesome.
And, I was blown away by what she sent back. Just look at how amazing these pendants look.
Rant: who’s hoarding all the Frozen stuff?
It’s been brought to my attention that I don’t do nearly enough rants here these days, so I’m going to fix that with a lengthy rant about Disney’s Frozen. No, not the movie itself, which we love, I’m talking Frozen STUFF.
You see, I have two Frozen fanatics in my house. These kids would love to own an official Anna and Elsa dress or two. In fact that’s all my 5 year old asked for this past Christmas, but all that was available locally was toddler-sized. We bought her the cheapie toddler dress from Target because Santa doesn’t let kids down like that, but it’s just too short for her and it’s apparently “very scratchy”.
What we’re playing with: Radio Flyer Pro-Glider scooter… indoors
What we’re playing with: Schleich figures
You know how some toys are so beloved that they are returned to over and over again throughout the years? Schleich figures definitely fall into that category. These were one of the first toys we bought for my daughter, purchased so she could play with them on the long plane ride to Europe, and they are one of the few early toys that she still plays with today.
She {or maybe it was we} got so addicted to these little figures that we eventually had a drawer full, and then two drawers full, and now we've got a massive amount of these little guys.
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Most people wouldn’t see a cellphone service as an investment, but when chosen carefully, the right plan can slash your phone costs in half or even more. By making a switch to Walmart Family Mobile you don’t have to compromise on anything and can get the hottest phones available paired with the lowest priced unlimited plans anywhere to make the most of your tax return.
Though I’m a huge saver, even I can justify a one-time expense that ends up lowering my monthly bills on something I need to buy anyway. But, I’m sure you’re wondering just how low of a price you can get through Walmart Family Mobile, and the answer is that it is even cheaper than you think. At $29.88/month for unlimited talk and text or $39.88/month for unlimited talk and text with internet service, it makes it possible to get a great plan at the lowest price anywhere.