This is what my current diaper changing station looks like. Clearly, a lot has changed since I became a mom 7 years ago. Sleeping in is now the finest of luxuries, my purse currently houses a combination first aid kit and toy box, coffee has become my best friend, and I’m so over the so-called must-haves. I know what works for me {coffee} and I know what doesn’t {the picturesque nursery}.
Hey, I’m not saying you never should design that dream nursery. I did for my first child and I enjoyed every second of planning, shopping, and seeing it all come together. What I’m saying is that, for me, it’s not a must-have. I hated the fact that my beautiful nursery was very under-utilized and became obsolete so fast. I was stuck trying to redesign the room multiple times as my daughter transitioned from baby to toddler and I vowed to do it differently the next time around.
Now that I’m a mom of three, I’ve learned a thing or two {or six} about diapering that I wish I could tell my younger self