Woody Rocking Horse from Prince Lionheart
I spend a lot of time hiding kid’s toys. Hours of my time each week are spent camouflaging the collection of plastic junk my kids have amassed in 3 short…
Briggs & Riley BRX Adventure Travel Gear
Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 35 While in San Diego for BlogHer, I received what is quite possibly the coolest email ever and made me a hero in…
Get Ready for Fall with prAna Clothing and Activewear
Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 33 Outdoorsy is not the first word that comes to mind when people think of me. Yes, I do love being outside and…
J.L. Childs Dragon Tails Hybrid Sunglasses {Review and Q&A}
Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 32 When my wife first told me she had a new pair of sunglasses for me to try out, I was pretty excited…
Safe n’ See Digital Video Baby Monitor from Levana
Video monitors may have started out as a niche or superfluous item years ago, but they have since become one of the most essential items for all new parents. After…
Friday – BlogHer’11 in San Diego recap day 2
Since Thursday night was a little bit crazy {*ahem, Clever Girls Collective*} I started off the day with some friends by the pool and then I was off to the…
Thursday – BlogHer’11 San Diego recap day 1
Having gotten into San Diego at 11pm on Wednesday instead of the 1pm we should have arrived, I was happy my Thursday BlogHer events started out slowly. We started off…
The Many Adventures of Zylie the Bear {+ huge discount tomorrow 8/20!}
Day 31 – Get Out and PLAY… with a snuggly plush friend There are few things more exciting than a bear with a passport showing up at your door. Unless…
BlogHer’11 in San Diego – A tale of good friends, swag… and recycling
On August 4th, 2011, thousands of bloggers descended on San Diego for BlogHer ‘11, the blogging conference to end all conferences. The last two years I had sadly missed out…
Aeromax Fire Power Water Shooter Inspires Imaginative Play
Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 30 What kid doesn't like to play fireman? I remember as a kid we played fireman all the time with the neighbor kids,…