The perfect first gift with Corolle dolls

Corolle girls 2

We’re so excited to celebrate Corolle’s 40th birthday this year, especially since many of those years I’ve personally shared in the Corolle love. We’re officially a second-generation Corolle family, sharing the sweet vanilla scented love of their adorable baby dolls and fun accessories for all ages and stages.  

Here comes the Easter bunny with the Steiff Candy Rabbit

Bunny Ear Steiff

We fell in love with Steiff while expecting our first, and the first thing we bought for her was a special Steiff bear. That special bear has now been joined by dozens of friends on her shelf, and it’s one of our favorite things to collect as a family. I love that each animal or piece is representative of a certain season or specific time, and the newest Candy Rabbit from Steiff is sure to become a beloved friend as well.

American Girl introduces Blaire Wilson

American Girl Blaire with kiddo

Every family wants that idyllic childhood for their kids. One that encourages togetherness, fosters wholesome family values, and allows for their kids to just be kids. American Girl is hands-down one of our very favorite brands for this very reason. Their newest Girl of The Year, Blaire Wilson, focuses on making connections and shows that the value of good old-fashioned friendships is the most important.

Bruder Toys from Hammacher Schlemmer

Bruder UPS loading from Hammacher

Hammacher Schlemmer says their products are among the most unique, advanced, and unexpected in the world, and it really is true. I get giddy when one of their catalogs lands on my doorstep and I cannot wait to see what magic it holds. It has never, ever disappointed. This is definitely true with the new Bruder Toys UPS working Mack truck with forklift that is so realistic and detailed.

Aloka Colour & Shine LED Bedside Night Light

ALOKA lights

Thank you to Lumenico for sending their Aloka Colour & Shine Light for review. All opinions and thoughts are 100% ours. What kid doesn’t want their own special bedside night light with a design of their choice? That light becomes even cooler when you can control it with the included remote, and change it to … Read more

Build, code & play with JIMU Robots

JIMU bot with kids

It’s incredibly important to me that I introduce my kids to all aspects of STEM-based learning, especially those that aren’t naturally tech-inclined. In my search for tech toys, I’ve found my new favorite toy that truly makes STEM learning fun: The JIMU Robot System. They can build, code, and play with their own customizeable robot for hours and hours of fun, all while learning the basics of robotics.

Gift guide for fans of the Six Minutes podcast

Six Minutes Podcast gift guide

I’ve heard it said that an expert level of any skill requires 5,000 hours of purposeful engagement in a particular area. If this is true, that means that my husband is an *expert* podcast listener. He recently got the kids hooked, and their favorite is the Six Minutes podcast from Gen-Z Media. We’ve created a curated gift guide based on our love of the show just for fans.

Stay active year round with the KidSource Musical Hop Skipper

Kids with Hop Skipper

As a family, we stay pretty active. We hike, we skate, we walk just about everywhere, and we’re always up for a multi-city bike ride. But, as active as all of my kids are, they haven’t all inherited my natural athleticism. I’m going to pause here while everyone that knows me finishes laughing. Not to … Read more

Bandai Namco Flashback Blast! with Pac-Man and 7 other gaming classics

AtGames Flashback Blast

Who doesn’t love Pac-Man? Up until this month, the only place I could get a Pac-Man fix was a restaurant a few towns over that we visit every couple of months. But, now I get Pac-Man and other favorite Atari classic games in the comfort of my living room with the Bandai Namco Flashback Blast!