There was a time when I lit candles each night while we were dining, watching TV, or just hanging out with friends to add a little ambiance. Now, I'm lucky if my meal is timed right so we can all eat at the same time, and by the time I flop down to watch TV for the day, the last thing I'm thinking about is lighting candles that I could potentially forget about if I fall asleep on the couch {which, I do 90% of the time}.
After having tried numerous other electronic candles, I found myself unimpressed with every single one I tried. They just didn't look like real candles when they were on, and I realized a lot of what I loved about real candles was the flicker of the flames, not just the light of the candle itself. Even when I tried "flicker" electronic candles, they just felt so fake.
But, then I found Luminara candles. I first found the candles at Pottery Barn and bought three with a gift card. Once I had a few of them at home and saw how beautiful they were placed throughout the house, I was addicted.