Nowali Moccasins

The Pacific Northwest has at least another 3 ½ months of cool weather before things start heating up for Spring, which means we’ve still got months of sweaters, coats and even mittens left in the year.  My favorite part of Seattle’s chilly spring?  Family cuddle nights that don’t have to end on March 20th.  So, … Read more

Cricut Expression Review

For years I admired the Cricut display in the craft store and wondered if it was really as cool as it seemed, but honestly, I had no idea what it really could do.  I knew it was for scrapbooking, but beyond that, I was pretty clueless.  But I knew I wanted it.  Eventually, all my … Read more

Raves Faves for 2009

What would a New Year's post be without a top 10 list (or three)?  Over the last year we have reviewed some really awesome products that we had a blast testing and writing about and we wanted to take this time to recount our absolute favorite posts of 2009.  While we love each and every product … Read more

Christmas at Rave Central

There's nothing like having a toddler to make Christmas feel magical again.  Here's what Christmas looked like at our house this year:   Have you ever seen a happier kid on Christmas morning?  Here's pretty much how she looked for the rest of the day…  And then the obligatory Christmas Tree pic:   For the … Read more

Happy Holidays!

I’m wishing you all a wonderful and magical holiday, filled with lots of laughter and love.  Speaking of love (and laughter), here’s what we’ve been up to these last few days as we got ready for Christmas.  Hint, it wasn’t reviewing.   I can’t take credit for all these little gems; my little sister is … Read more

The Ultimate Gift – Step 2 Fresh Market Kitchen

Love isn’t a strong enough word for how much my daughter adores her Step 2 Fresh Market Kitchen.  Some days I think that the entire house could disappear around her and she wouldn’t even notice as long as she had 4 things with her: her Step2 Kitchen our working refrigerator (for real snacks) her Corolle … Read more

Corolle Classic Baby Doll Gift Set

I will never, ever forget that Christmas morning when my sister and I woke up to something we had been dreaming of all year long – our first store-bought baby dolls.  Waiting for us on our stocking-lined fireplace were two special dolls laid out in two matching doll beds.  I will never forget that first … Read more

Bambino Grande Pull Sled by Mountain Boy Sledworks

You know that really cool neighbor you used to have growing up that had all the cool stuff that everyone always wanted to play with?  Even they would covet this sled.  This is the kind of sled that makes you feel like a good parent for even allowing your kids to sit on it, let … Read more

Däv Rain Boots

Every woman needs a fabulous pair of rain boots.  Why?  Because it rains everywhere.  The Pacific Northwest, in particular, sees more than their fair share of inclement weather and rain is just a natural part of life around here.  But, no matter where you are, being prepared with a great pair of comfortable rain boots … Read more

Darda Victory Lane NASCAR Race Set

The first time I saw a Darda racetrack set, I couldn’t help but think that it looked like it had been designed by kids.  Surely no grown up would dare put so many twists and loops in a racetrack.  They would, of course, know that even little toy cars have to obey the laws of … Read more