Perplexus Puzzle Game

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 28 In our house, mazes and puzzles are a very big deal and we love the challenge of racing each other or the clock to figure them out. But, as much as we love doing mazes and puzzles on paper, they are so much more exciting when they are in … Read more

Magic Cabin Tree Trunk Fairy Home

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 16 It's not often that I throw out the word "magic" when describing something, but there is honestly no better description for what you will find on the pages of the Magic Cabin catalog.  The first time I ever looked through a Magic Cabin catalog I didn't even have children … Read more

Elf Magic, our new holiday tradition!

There is really nothing more magical than children at Christmastime – that is except for a child who has their own special Elf to share the season with.  From the moment our Magic Elf arrived from the North Pole, I knew he was going to be a very welcome house guest this holiday season… and … Read more

Wiggly Bridge Handmade Hats

 Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 13 Both of my kids are "hat kids" and have been since birth.  This is partly because they just look so darn cute in them and partly because I realized quickly that hats are one of the cutest and most affordable accessories you can buy, as well as one of … Read more

Whirl Balance Scooter from Prince Lionheart

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 11 When I was young, all the kids in my neighborhood got together and created an impressive inter-city transportation system that we spent all summer perfecting.  We had a series of two lane roads, one highway, and even a "country road" that led us around our made up city.  Included … Read more

Jellyfish Lampquarium from Wild Creations

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 1 I just found the coolest tween gift ever for the holiday season, something that is the perfect gift for that kid on your list that has everything.  Well, everything but their very own jellyfish, that is.  What parent doesn’t want their kid to have their own jellyfish?  What… no … Read more

Emile Henry Pizza Stone

Cozy At Home Event – Day 19 One of our favorite things to experiment with in the kitchen is with different types of pizza.  Because it is easy to make with whatever ingredients you have on hand, great for leftovers, and a big crowd pleaser, you really can’t go wrong with a fresh pizza pie … Read more

WheelyBug Ride-On from Prince Lionheart

I must admit that I fell in love with the wheelyBUG from Prince Lionheart well before my daughter even knew they existed.  Besides loving their multi-directional castor wheel style movement that allows kiddos to spin 180s and get around with ease, they are also beyond adorable.  It’s these reasons that make it one of my … Read more

George Foreman Evolve Grill

Cozy At Home Event – Day 9 When I think of George Foreman, I automatically think of the iconic grill that was wildly popular during my adolescence.  I still remember all the healthy cooking commercials and the fact that just about everyone I knew owned their own George Foreman Grill.  In fact, my family owned two – … Read more

High Sierra Sport Luggage

Traveling as a family is something that is extremely important to me and something I hope we can continue to do more as our family grows.  Unfortunately, traveling with kids and all their gear is sometimes difficult, especially when we are going somewhere that relies heavily on a public transportation system.  When we are going … Read more