Darda Victory Lane NASCAR Race Set

The first time I saw a Darda racetrack set, I couldn’t help but think that it looked like it had been designed by kids.  Surely no grown up would dare put so many twists and loops in a racetrack.  They would, of course, know that even little toy cars have to obey the laws of … Read more

Random Rave: Thankful

In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, I decided to do something a little different today.  Instead of raving about a product or service I love, I thought I would do a post raving about all that I am thankful for. I am thankful for: A daughter who simply enchants everyone that she meets, starting first … Read more

Xtrema Green Bakeware by Ceramcor

Most of you know about hubby's and my addiction with kitchen gadgets, and most of you are already familiar with the Xtrema Cookware line we profiled last month in which I raved for 11 straight paragraphs about how much I love their products.  It's been months since we started using our Xtrema Cookware on a daily … Read more

Friday Random Rave – Pink and Girly

It’s not going to be a gender neutral Christmas at our house!  For the past two years, all of our kid’s purchases have leaned towards the gender neutral, in some cases bypassing the girl’s section entirely and shopping only in the boys aisles.  Our daughter didn’t care what color her toys were, and I refused … Read more

LeapFrog My Pal Scout

I would like to introduce you to the only toy my daughter asks for by name, the My Pal Scout interactive puppy (This is of course assuming that his name is, in fact, "Woof Woof" as she insists that it is).  When I got to meet the LeapFrog rep at the Time to Play Holiday … Read more

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Halloween with their families.  Here are some pictures of the big night at Rave and Review: The whole clan Baby girl 🙂

Here Comes Halloween!

Ah, Halloween… there’s the chocolate, the costumes, the sugar candy, the Pumpkin Spice Lattes, the corn mazes, the sour candy… what’s not to love about this time of year?    Unfortunately for little kids, they have to miss out on arguably the best part of Halloween – the ooey gooey sugary candy part.  So, how … Read more

Yo Gabba Gabba! There’s a Party in My CD Player!

Have you ever done a YouTube search for Yo Gabba Gabba!?  I have, and it’s adorable.  The search results reveal video after video of basically the same thing: an adorable kid watching Yo Gabba Gabba! on TV and doing some sort of delightful – yet crazy – dance.  Anyone who has ever caught an episode … Read more

Campus Quilt – The Perfect Holiday Gift

Thank God I can’t sew.  If I could sew, it might have led me to do something crazy like try and make this quilt myself.  One, it would have taken me years to finally get around to doing the organizing and sewing (if I ever did it at all), and two, my finished product would … Read more

Xtrema Ceramcor Cookware

As self-confessed kitchen gadget addicts, hubby and I are always on the lookout for the newest and greatest in cooking gear.  Very rarely does a product come along that absolutely wows us and prompts us to write what just might be the raving-ist review we’ve ever written.  Let’s all mark this date on the calendar … Read more