Step2 LifeStyle Custom Kitchen

am a Step2 Test Drive Blogger. I received a product in exchange for my
review and opinion. No other compensation was provided and all opinions
are 100% ours.

 I spend a good deal of my time at home in the kitchen. Whether I’m making dinner, washing dishes, packing lunches, or prepping snacks, the kitchen is where you will find me. My kids have seen me in the kitchen their whole lives and love to watch me cook and prep, so it’s really no surprise how interested they are in how things work in the kitchen.

This is why they are in love with their new play kitchen from Step2 that sits right alongside my real kitchen. They play with it every single day without fail and it’s become one of the biggest draws of our whole house that the kids flock to during playtime.

Lifestyle Step2 Kitchen
I love that they adore it so much, because I love to see them figure out everyday problems like how to make stew when all you have in the fridge is a few random vegetables because someone {ahem, the little one} took everything else for his picnic in the living room.

Step2 kitchen baking
I love watching them work out math problems by dividing foods and subtracting, and I love seeing them problem solve amongst themselves as they figure out how many foods should be allocated to picnics and how many are for the stew.

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Corolle dolls for every age & stage

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Corolle dolls for every age and stage copy
You may have noticed a new logo on the sidebar announcing my ambassadorship with Corolle dolls. With two doll loving kids at home, you can probably imagine the excitement upon finding out that we would get a chance to review a collection of new Corolle items this fall and winter.

But, before we get to the new products and how much I love their dolls and accessories, I should explain why this ambassadorship means so much to me. Corolle is a brand that I grew up with, playing with their baby dolls in my early childhood and then later collecting them as a young girl. I always dreamed of one day sharing this love of Corolle with my children and was thrilled when they gravitated towards the brand with no outside influence at all, and even more excited that they became such amazing fans themselves.

What started as a love of a company that made me nostalgic for childhood has shaped my own children’s childhood. It used to be that when I picked up a Corolle doll, I would remember all those nights spent hugging my baby dolls in bed, but now my children’s memories are forever intertwined with my own, and that sweet vanilla scent takes me back to both time periods simultaneously.

Kids with Corolle

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Back to School with the Step2 Flip & Doodle Easel Desk {Review}

I am a Step2 Test Drive Blogger. I received a product in exchange for my review and opinion. No other compensation was provided and all opinions are 100% ours.

Back to School with Step2
Someday I’m going to build really nice wrap around desks in my kids’ rooms for homework and art, but that day is not today. So these days we do our messy art projects on my dining room table, my kitchen island, or in the living room around the couch. I don’t think it will come as a surprise that I avoid doing art projects with the kids because of the inevitable mess it leaves.

But, this year to celebrate back to school, we got the perfect addition to our house to keep the peace and still allow the kids to be creative: the Step2 Flip & Doodle Easel Desk with Stool. Once the kids got a glimpse of the package contents, they banded together with cuteness until we put it together.

Flip and Doodle Easel Desk
Luckily, it went together quickly with only a couple pieces to snap together and a few screws. In a matter of moments, the kids were loading up the easel desk and organizing their art supplies.

Step2 makes all sorts of easels and desks in different colors and variations, but we loved the Flip & Doodle design because it can be either a stand-up easel or a flat-top desk with one quick motion. The easel has a great magnetic white board surface as well as clips that can hold art paper or boards with ease and then it flips down to become a more traditional desk with a flat
writing surface for homework, iPad time and more.
With so many ways to use it, I know it's going to be one of the best-loved play pieces we own.

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VTech Switch & Go Dinos

My son is crazy about dinosaurs and about vehicles of all kinds, so I knew he would think that the Switch & Go Dinos were basically the coolest thing ever.  Whenever he sees the brightly colored dino covered boxes when we’re out shopping, he can’t help but hug them all. Of course I couldn't say no when offered a set of Switch & Go Dinos to review right before his birthday. 
Switch and Go Dinos
If you haven’t seen them in stores yet, Switch & Go Dinos are robotic dinosaurs that transform into various vehicles with just a few motions. When in dino mode, they roar like prehistoric animals, and when in car/truck/flying object mode, their engines rev and they make vrooming noises. Pretty much the best toy ever, in a little boy’s eyes.

I already knew that my son would think it was pretty awesome if a few Switch & Go Dinos came to live with us, so I was sure they would be the perfect birthday present for him this September. My daughter recognized this as well and decided that of all the other toys on the market, she really wanted to buy him one of these dinos for his birthday. 

Switch and Go Dinos packages

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Chicago event introduces new expanded Bitty Baby line from American Girl

AG Bitty Baby
At American Girl, the message is about celebrating oneself and all the things that make us unique and special.  In fact, they have a whole line of customizable 18” My American Girl dolls that are a perfect example of this.  For the past few years they have been offering the award-winning My American Girl customizable doll experience where you can choose from different skin, eye, and hair colors and styles to best match your child’s unique features.

My American Girl doll
But, until this August, the Bitty Baby line was far less customizable.  With only 7 options available to choose from up until now, the line was not all-encompassing by any means.  There were many children, my daughter included, that didn’t have a Bitty Baby option for them.

Which Bitty Baby Will You Choose
My daughter has light hair, light skin and brown eyes, which I have realized doesn’t really exist in the doll world.  Dolls with brown eyes have dark hair and oftentimes darker skin as well, and blonde haired dolls almost always have blue eyes.   

Or, at least they did.  On August 27th, the new Bitty Baby dolls will come in 11 options with all sorts of combinations of light and dark skin and eyes, which makes it far more likely that you will find that perfect doll as unique as your child.  Like their My American Girl line, now you can pick skin tone, eye color, and hair color to customize your child’s Bitty Baby experience. 

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Presents they will never forget at Memorable Gifts

Is everyone you know having babies, too? It seems like the past year has brought more babies than the past 5 years combined. And that, of course, means a whole lot of shopping for baby stuff.

But, where do you look when you want something more than the generic baby blanket, booties that the kid will never wear, or rattle? You start shopping at Memorable Gifts to check out their selection of personalized products that make finding the perfect new baby gift easy and fun.

With wooden name plaques, engraved jewelry boxes, piggy banks, plates, birth certificate holders and more, you are sure to find that perfect keepsake for any baby at Memorable Gifts.

Memorable Gifts collage
When I was offered the chance to review something from Memorable Gifts, I knew right where I would start searching. Since I love getting babies piggy banks, I was thrilled to find that Memorable Gifts carried more than the standard pig design and even had some I had never seen before.

Like this gorgeous pirate ship piggy bank I fell for with one simple glance.

Pewter pirate ship bank

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Beating the heat with a Bomb Pop party!

Disclosure for Bomb Pop
Bomb Pop Party Logo
Is there anything more American than ball parks and ice pops on a hot summer day? Since our summer is feeling like it’s been flying by in a series of vacations, I thought it would be good to have some good old American fun with the help of Mom Central and Bomb Pop.

Bomb Pop is an official sponsor of Little League® Baseball and Softball and this summer they have even more to cheer about with the introduction of two new flavors. With Hawaiian Punch Bomb Pop and Sour Wower Bomb Pop joining the fold, there’s now 10 varieties of Bomb Pop frozen treats available in grocer’s freezers.

We decided to pull them out at a multi-generation family graduation party this past weekend to share some of the new flavors as well as some fun Bomb Pop toys and games with all the guests, both young and old.  With high temperatures and lots of sun, the frozen treats and baseball games were perfect after the long day and a great meal.

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Name Art makes personalized art as unique as your little one

With four siblings growing up, you would have thought we’d have a lot of personalized items to help keep everything straight.  But, instead of items with our names or monograms, we each had a specific color we always used to help us find our stuff.  While the color-coded system was practical, it wasn’t always fun. 

After over a decade eating off the blue placemat, out of the blue cup, and hanging my stuff on the blue hook, I really longed for something that was a little more… personal.  Because of this, I have made a point to get my kids special items that have their names and truly reflect who they are as often as I can.

Name Art is a New York based company that was started for this very reason.  They specialize in truly one-of-a-kind items that help you celebrate each child with unique and personalized gifts.  From placemats to fine art prints, Name Art has a great selection of gifts and art that would be perfect presents for your little one.   


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Turn your kid’s drawing into a one-of-a-kind toy with Cryoow!

My daughter has had an imaginary friend since she was about 2 years old.  During the past three years, I have heard an unlimited number of stories about “Sheeky Baby” {who surprisingly isn’t an actual baby} and the many adventures her and my daughter have embarked on.  But, with as many stories as I have heard, I’ve never been exactly sure what she looks like.  That is, until now. 

My daughter drew this picture of Sheeky Baby for me this past month, and it all became so clear.  Of course Sheeky’s a princess.  And, of course she has a dress that matches my daughter; they are BFFs after all.  

Princess Drawing
As much as I adored the picture my daughter drew, I started thinking wouldn’t it be pretty awesome if my daughter had a mini Sheeky Baby she could play with?  Almost as if they had heard me wonder, I got an email from a company called Cryoow! asking if I wanted to turn my child’s art into a doll.

Naturally, I said yes. 

Cryoow! is short for Create Your Own, and their goal is to take your child’s art and turn it into customized stuffed animals, personalized dolls, and just about anything else your child can dream up.  It all starts with a beloved original picture by your child, which you can scan and send to Cryoow with any notes or messages about the design. 

Cryoow Drawing to Doll
From there the artists at Cryoow do their absolute best to follow your child’s drawing – complete with all the quirks and special touches – to make a truly one-of-a-kind doll.  Once they have completed all the detailing, including hand embroidery, yarning, and beading, the doll is ready to be sent back to the designer {AKA your child}.

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VTech InnoTab 2S Wi-Fi Tablet prevents “Summer Brain Drain”

Summer Brain Drain
Do you remember as a kid you would go back to school each fall feeling like you were in shape from staying active all summer only to find your legs and abs burning after one gym class because you were now using muscles you had neglected during the past few month?  Well, that is exactly what happens to your brain, too, and in a phenomenon commonly referred to as Summer Brain Drain. 

What is Summer Brain Drain, you ask?  According to research from the Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University, students typically lose one to two months of reading and math skills during the summer break because they are not regularly exercising their brains. 

So, how do you combat Summer Brain Drain?  You find fun ways to infuse learning into everyday activities to keep kids’ brains sharp even during the three long months of no formal schooling. 

But, how can you do that when most of the summer is spent on the go and you don’t want to spend your days cooped up inside reading or in front of screens?  You get a portable learning device that can grow with your child, offers age-appropriate content in a broad library of subjects and that keeps them learning no matter where they are.

Something like the awesome InnoTab 2S, the latest learning app tablet from V-Tech that is perfect for on the go as well as at home.  We got to review the VTech InnoTab 2S for the past few weeks and we absolutely love how much fun it is for various ages and how it keeps the kids begging to keep learning. 

Innotab 2S

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