My parents got all the boys in my large family the coolest presents this Christmas: laser tag sets from Dynasty Toys.
When they first opened them, I had no idea how cool they were. I guess I was picturing one of those cheesy laser tag sets I had seen before with the vests and the lasers that never seemed to work. This isn't that kind of set.
Back to basics with Quercetti Toys
With a 6+ year age gap, it’s a very rare toy that gets the stamp of approval from all three kids. But, we’ve recently found a common ground in Quercetti Toys this fall. No matter what age kids we’ve been entertaining, the consensus is that Quercetti Toys are amazingly fun. All the toys we’ve tried … Read more
The magic of Corolle Dolls
I swear my heart just melted. This girl and her love for her babies has me completely smitten. The tenderness with which she cares for each of her Corolle dolls is admittedly something pretty special. Looking at all of this love, I can’t help but be sentimental. It seems like just months ago my firstborn … Read more
Legends of Learning makes science come alive for kids
This is a sponsored post on behalf of Legends of Learning, however all opinions remain 100% ours. As a parent and someone who helps teach in our co-op school, it’s hard to navigate this new world of technology at our fingertips. With screens at every turn, sometimes it feels … Read more
Why our whole family adores Dynasty Toy’s laser tag
Classic design and creative play with Viking Toys
I love toys that inspire my kids to use their imaginations. So many toys these days have scripted storylines and built in backstories. I personally love it when my kids create the story, define the characters, and it’s an added bonus when they also have to build or construct something while they play. Viking Toys … Read more
Strictly Briks fosters creativity while taking your brick creations to new heights
My kids love LEGOs. They could play LEGO for hours and hours each day, building their own custom homes, businesses, cars, and even mini figures. I love how creative they are and how they can occupy themselves quietly for long periods of time designing, building, and then playing. Basically, it saves my sanity a few … Read more
Limitless fun with Antsy Pants Build And Play kits
If I was describing the perfect toy, it would be something that was a project. Something that took a while to set up, provided customizing opportunities so the kids can get creative, and it would have an ambiguous design that allowed for almost limitless play. All of this adds up to something that the kids … Read more
The BEST bites and brews for the Big Game
This post is sponsored by on behalf of Single Edition Media. Are you getting excited for the Big Game like we are? Even though half of us aren’t even football fans, there’s something about the end of football season that brings everyone together. We look forward to enjoying all the commercials almost as much as the actual game, and most of all, we look forward to another reason to have a party.
But, in our usual fashion, we haven’t even begun to plan for game day. A day or two before we will get a few random texts asking what we’re doing, and typically we end up having people over or going to my dad’s to celebrate.
No matter where we celebrate, planning the menu is a joint effort, and I’m always on the hunt for the perfect foods that are quick and easy to prepare but also are crowd pleasers. When Babbleboxx sent a few hand selected items for us to sample that would be great game day items, we jumped at the chance to check them out and give our thoughts.
Here’s a sample Game Day menu that you can check out for planning your Big Game party – including some awesome coupons to save you money while shopping!