Oatmeal banana bread with oatmeal cereal recipe

This is a sponsored recipe post for The Women Bloggers, LLC which is led by the Kendal King Group and #SoapboxInfluence to share the goodness of Nestle Gerber® Cereal. All opinions are 100% my own. #CookingwithGerberOatmeal and banana bread with oatmeal cerealEvery parent wants to serve the most nutritious foods possible to their families, but if you’re like me and have a picky eater, you know this can be a huge struggle. I have dreams of my healthy recipes being gobbled up, but more often than not, they just don’t get eaten. That just means I have to get sneaky and hide the good stuff in what might otherwise be considered snack foods.

This quick and easy oatmeal banana bread recipe with a super-secret ingredient is my new favorite quick-grab breakfast for our busy mornings. We rarely have time for a sit-down meal in the mornings, but I hate the idea of them grabbing junk and starting their day off on the wrong foot. This nutritious banana bread is perfect because you can easily grab a slice or a muffin on your way out of the house or you can pair it with fruit and yogurt for a balanced breakfast.Gerber ingredients

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7+ tips to save money in the kitchen

Save Money in the Kitchen
Where could you use a little savings help? If you’re like most people, you probably said the kitchen. When you really break it down, the kitchen has the highest bill of anywhere in your house – there are foods needing to be replenished each week, appliances that cost money to run, and waste to take care of.

How would you like to save a little money while making your days easier and more organized? I bet you would! Just for you, I’ve compiled a list of my favorite money-saving kitchen tips that can help keep money in your pocket, food in your bellies, and your kitchen running smoothly.

7+ tips to save money in the kitchen

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Finding Dory fun from Nature’s Harvest bread

Sponsored post Finding Dory inspired sandwichWe're big "Finding Nemo" fans and have basically been waiting for years for Disney•Pixar's "Finding Dory" to come out. I was thrilled when I got to see the first 33 minutes of the new film at DisneySMMC this year and cannot wait to take the kiddos to see the film once they get out of school. To get in the Dory spirit, we decided to celebrate the film opening by making some Dory-inspired lunches with Nature's Harvest® bread. Nature's Harvest breadSince we love to play with our food around here, I thought we'd make a Bacon Tomato & Avocado {BTA} open face sandwich and allow the kids to make their own fish friend right on their Nature’s Harvest® bread. With has at least 8g or more of whole grains per serving and no artificial flavors, colors or high fructose corn syrup, their delicious bread is a staple around here and every variety we’ve tried has been a hit with the kids. From Stone Ground 100% Whole Wheat to Honey Wheat Made with Whole Grain Bread, they are all kid- and parent-approved.

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Summer baking trend: frosting-free cakes for all your summer events


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Two-ingredient no-churn ice cream without an ice cream machine {perfect for leftover candy mix-ins}

Two ingredient no churn ice cream without an ice cream machine
Do you have a ton of leftover holiday candy lying around that you don’t know what to do with? We literally JUST threw away our old Easter, Valentine’s Day and Halloween candy and now we have a huge bag full of Easter candy to get rid of. Easter CandyWhat’s a girl to do? She finds a way to use it in other recipes, of course.

Specifically, she uses it in two-ingredient no-machine ice cream. The ice cream is delicious all on its own, but when you add candy to it, it becomes absolute perfection. And, then she throws the rest of the candy away, because no one needs that much candy. Homemade Ice Cream with candy

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Game day party recipe: RITZ® Crackers sliders with Coca-Cola pulled pork and coleslaw

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BowlTimeSnacks #CollectiveBias Game Day Fuel 3Around here, football isn’t just a sport. From late summer until the last game is played, Seattle becomes a different place as we all unite for our team. Anyone wearing team colors is greeted with a cheer and usually a discussion on how the season is going. This is especially true for game day when we all come together to celebrate, so it’s best to plan for a crowd if you are home watching the game.

This past weekend was my turn hosting and I knew I wanted to do something a little different. I was looking for something you could eat throughout the day instead of a formal meal, and ideally it would be as hands-off as possible so I could get a chance to watch the game, too.

I headed to the store to see what inspiration struck and within minutes I hit on the perfect game time menu: RITZ® Crackers sliders with Coca-Cola pulled pork and homemade coleslaw. It looks delicious, right? Ritz pulled pork sliders

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Staying healthy and eating well on-the-go with protein at Walmart

Acorn DisclosureWe all want to be healthy and have energy for the things we love, but sometimes that can seem really difficult with our busy lifestyles where we are always on the go. I eat really healthy when I’m at home, but all it takes is ending up on the go all day and I struggle with what to eat. Do you cave and go through a drive thru or do you just go without until you can sit down and eat healthier?

I’m learning that a little planning ahead can eliminate this struggle by giving you great tasting food that fits within your health goals. One quick stop at Walmart and you can walk out with the tools you need: Purely Inspired® protein powder and Mission1™ bars that provide you with organic, clean, protein. Protein snacksEating clean and organic has never been easier, and now I won’t have to cave and eat junk on the road for convenience sake. Keeping these bars or protein powder on hand allows me to stay on track and eat well while we’re staying active. So now for those times when the doctor’s appointment runs through lunch or horrendous traffic means I will be late for dinner, I can have a delicious protein bar or shake. Eating well on the go

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Taking time for me: my New Years resolution

Sponsored postBy Leanne, editor and founderHappy 2016It’s resolution time!

Do you make New Years resolutions? Every year I make a resolution that helps the family – whether it’s getting a big household project done, making room for growing kids, or taking more family trips. But, this year I’m doing something different. I’m doing something for myself.  Northgate Mall family pictureYou know how on airplanes they always tell you that in the event of an emergency you should take care of your life jacket or air mask first so you can then help others? As a mom, that has never resonated with me, and I’ve always wondered how I would feel in that situation actually putting on my mask or jacket before my kiddos. I think we can all agree that we would just prefer to not ever be in a situation that required an emergency supply of air or floating in an ocean waiting for rescue, right?

But, what if you use the same line of reasoning to survive the day-to-day tasks with three kiddos in tow? Maybe doing for yourself makes sense because it gives you more that you can then give to others. These days I need to give a lot, and I’m realizing I can’t care for the kids the way I would like if I’m not taking care of myself.

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Goodbye 2015, it’s been a great year

Sponsored postBy Tyler, editor and reviewer

2015 was a great year all around. Not just for the fact that I finally made that fireplace mantle I'd promised my wife years ago, or our amazing trips together up and down the West Coast as well as our big trip to the Caribbean and then over to Georgia. No, what made this year truly amazing was that we not only added our third {and likely final member} to our little family, and we also made huge strides towards getting healthy, together. FDSC00893
As you get older you really start to feel your age more. As I've become much more aware of the fact that I'm no longer in my twenties, I've found myself needing to pay a little more attention to personal upkeep. This is where
Jenny Craig came in.

You may remember that my wife and I did the Jenny Craig program together in late summer/early fall. But, what you may not know is that after finishing our review period with Jenny Craig, we decided to stick with it a little longer since we were both having such great success in the program.

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All the reasons why I love Smith Brothers Farms and why you will, too {$10 off for new customers}

Sponsored postDo you live in the Puget Sound area? If so, you’re probably very familiar with the Smith Brothers Farms insulated milk boxes that sit on many of your neighbors’ front porches.  Smith Brothers Farms delivery in box openHaving been a customer of Smith Brothers Farms for almost 5 years, we’ve been asked about the service more times than I can count, and I always say the same thing: going with Smith Brothers Farms was the best thing ever for my family. Smith Brothers Farms deliveryWhy do I love Smith Brothers Farms so much? Here are just a few of the reasons why I will never go back to store-bought milk:

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