10 reasons to try a Soothe in-home massage for yourself

Soothe app in home

Having the option of an in-home massage got rid of so many roadblocks I had built up. I no longer had to worry about traffic to and from the massage, or planning a babysitter, and then travel time around the appointment. Since you can schedule your massage with as little as one hour notice, it really is as easy as realizing you have some spare time and hopping on the app.  

Seattle: Wild Waves unveils family-friendly Fright Fest 2019

Fright Fest Car

Seattle, get ready for 6 weekends of thrills + 66 additional hours of terror. Wild Waves and Enchanted Village Theme Park has unveiled it’s newest Fright Fest, and this year includes activities for the whole family. Fright Fest runs now thru Nov 2 so there’s plenty of time to get your scare on. 

You’ll believe in Yesterday {movie review}

Yesterday Movie on Guitar

What if you woke up and found out that no one had ever heard of The Beatles? That’s the premise of the movie Yesterday, and the resulting journey will have you laughing and crying {and then laughing some more} from start to finish. See why I think you should own it, and enter to win your own copy right here.

Crystal Creatures mystery packs

Crystal Creatures deer

This week we happened upon Crystal Creatures from Mega Construx and I already knew we were done for. I mean, it’s mystical creatures that you BUILD and it has some sort of reference to crystals. My kids were so in. So, I let the kids each pick out a mystery egg, and then a bonus extra one for when we inevitably ended up with a duplicate. Mom of the Year, right?

Meet Luci: the portable solar lights for all your adventures

Luci lights in van

I love MPOWERD® lights and was so excited to meet with them at CES this year. I’ve been a big fan for years and have owned several of their solar lights for camping, home use, and more, so of course I wanted to see their newest offerings. It turns out, their newest lights are even cooler than I could have imagined, packed with features and ready for anything.

Goodbye, Summer. It’s been a good one.

Golden Hour at Park

Sometimes you’re at the park and you notice that it’s perfectly lit in one of the last golden hours of summer. And, of course you must do a 30 second photo shoot to commemorate it. I’m so sad that it’s the end of summer, the end of no schedules, and the end of lazy days doing whatever we want. But, I also know that it’s important to celebrate the fun we had, and embrace this coming school year. 

The smartest dishwasher on the block

Bosch Dishwasher at Best Buy

It felt like all dishwashers were more or less the same for roughly 30 years. And, then in the past 5 years or so, there’s been so many dishwashing innovations. These newest Bosch models are the smartest dishwashers I’ve ever seen, with functions I never even knew I needed. We’re talking automatic everything, adjustable to a shocking degree, and the quietest operation I’ve ever experienced.

Add a tent to your trampoline for next level fun

AlleyOop Sports Tent

I think I’ve finally outdone myself with the addition of the AlleyOOP Outback Trampoline Tent to our JumpSport Elite Trampoline. The kids have had so much fun bouncing in and around the AlleyOOP tent for hours, playing all sorts of games, and now are so excited to take their trampoline camping to the next level thanks to this awesome tent that gives all the fun of trampoline sleeping, without all the bugs.

Year-round water fun with Coconut Pool Floats

Coconut Float Floatopia Party

Now that we’re in full summer swing, our awesome new Coconut Floats have already gotten quite the workout at our friend’s lake house and at pool dates. I knew the kids were going to love them, but I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with them myself. But, I find their floats are perfect for relaxing in and getting in all the kiddo snuggles I want, without worrying about whether or not it will survive our play.

Celebrate your summer birthdays at Chuck E. Cheese’s

Chuck E Cheese's lay flat

Take the stress out of planning and hosting a summer birthday party by moving it indoors to a place that specializes in parties. No worries about inclement weather, sweltering temperatures, or fighting off crowds to claim a spot in a busy park or beach. Chuck E. Cheese’s offers good old air conditioned fun and has everything you need to make your kiddo feel like a star on their special day, all without adding extra stress to your to-do list.