Continue the tradition with the new BeForever line from American Girl

Sponsored postShare the tradition of American GirlHave you checked out American Girl recently? They just debuted their BeForever line this fall in stores nationwide as well as online and it has girls everywhere excited. We were at the Seattle store the day BeForever was announced to check the line out in person and do one of their many in-store crafts thanks to a recommendation from our personal shopper. I honestly had no idea what to expect and was just going for the craft and event aspect, but I was thrilled when I realized what exactly the new line included.

It’s no secret that we love American Girl and I always talk about how we end up at the Seattle store whenever my daughter gets to choose what we do for the day. But what you don’t know is that we spend most of our time checking out the historical collection and looking at anything and everything that’s new for each of their historical girls.

This time we were met at the store by one of our favorite American Girl employees and told that the line was replaced, and I’m sure I didn’t hide my disappointment very well. She quickly went on to explain that the BeForever line still had many of the dolls we adore as well as a new addition she knew we would be thrilled about.

Friends, welcome back Samantha Parkington. Laughing with Samantha

I’m thankful for…

It's been quite a few years since I've done a thankful post, so I thought I would write another in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday. Sometimes it's more important to rave about the wonderful people and things in my life instead of a product or service I love, so I thought a new updated post was in order.


Getting ready for the holidays? Don’t forget the batteries! {with printable coupons}

Sponsored postYou know what's a big bummer? Opening presents Christmas day and realizing that the amazing toy your kiddo has been waiting for all.year.long needs batteries you don't have on hand. Also a bummer: Realizing that there is absolutely no stores open on Christmas day to go get those batteries. 6a0105362badb1970b01a73df8d1ea970d-800wiSo, here's a mom tip for you: Buy those batteries now, instead of waiting.

Pick up a few packages of Rayovac batteries when you're out Christmas shopping and either put them in the stockings or in the gift packages themselves. It may not be the most exciting thing they receive that morning, but a stocking stuffed with batteries is certainly better then possibly forgetting to pick up any at all and seeing disappointed faces come Christmas morning.

Travel buddies: Corolle Dolls on the go

Sponsored postThere hasn’t been one single vacation we have taken in the past 4 years that we didn’t take with us a Corolle doll {or 6}. Even when space is most precious and we’re confined to just carryons, we always manage to make room for Corolle. While the reasons behind this are many {comfort of home, favorite toys, open-ended toy, etc}, the main reason is that the kids travel better with them. Corolle in PortlandIt started when my daughter was little because she wanted her own baby just like brother that she could cradle, tuck in, and babywear, but then it turned into much more than that. We realized quickly that the kids slept better with their special babies, played better with each other, and had more fun on long plane, train and car rides with Corolle in tow. Corolle cuddle time

Corolle 2014 Holiday Gift Guide

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Do you have a doll-loving little one like I do? If so, you are going to want to bookmark this page filled with my favorite holiday picks from Corolle Dolls. With prices from $20 on up and for every age and stage, you are bound to find the perfect gift for the holidays.

Create your holiday look effortlessly with the KISS InstaWave automatic curler

Sponsored postI love a good curly hairstyle every once in a while, especially this time of year with holiday parties and birthdays galore, but I swear that every year I get worse and worse at styling a good curly ‘do. I’m fine for the first few curls and then out of nowhere I clip the iron and accidentally turn it the wrong way. Anyone who has ever done this knows that you then end up with that awful crimped piece at the bottom where the clip was holding that no amount of recurling can ever fix. That, my friends, is pretty much my signature “curly” look.

Or, at least it was. I was recently introduced to the KISS InstaWave and it’s changed the way I style hair forever. Not only is it clipless so there’s no chance of ending up with crimped hair, it’s also automatic so all I need to do is rest the hair on the barrel and press a button. There’s literally no way to mess up your hair! Kiss InstWave Curler

Organize your digital life with the FREE Kwilt App

This post is brought to you by Kwilt and The Motherhood. All opinions are my own. Kwilt appI have a problem; I take far too many photos.

It used to be vacation pictures, pictures of hubby and I on our many adventures, and snaps of my awesome nieces and nephews, but now I’m in deep as my collection has only become more massive since becoming a mom. To make things even worse, I have a hard time deleting these pictures I take off of anything for fear they will all be lost, so I fill up SD cards, full computer hard drives, stacks of CDs filled with pictures, free cloud services, as well as external hard drives.

With well over 200,000 digital photos scattered across these separate storage devices, I am fighting a constant battle to keep all my image files safe, but still accessible. I can’t even count the number of times I have gone to show someone a picture or look for something specific and realized I had no idea where that special image was stored so securely. Let me tell you, it was quite the system.

It wasn’t until Kwilt asked the question Why not have your pictures all in one place? that got me thinking about how easy life would be if I could actually find my pictures when I wanted to see them. It seems like such an easy thing, but, really up until now it hasn’t been.

Pack for a Purpose with the Sandals Foundation

Sandals Foundation breakfastOh, packing. Packing is usually my most dreaded part of traveling, especially now that I have young children I need to pack for and must anticipate all that they might possibly need in the length of time we will be away. But, this fall I was able to pack and make a difference when traveling to Beaches Turks & Caicos with Pack for a Purpose and that made packing fun and rewarding. Beaches Pack for a Purpose

Kindle Fire HD Kids Edition with FreeTime offers entertainment at home or on the road

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Blue-ket-slate-01-lg-02._V324000718_As someone who is on the go a lot with kiddos, one of the main things I get asked about from friends, family, and readers is about essential gear for family travel. And while my “essentials” list has changed based on the ages of my children, there are a few things that never change. One of those things is the prevalence of tech gadgets. It’s true that tech gadgets can change your life dramatically and make life easier, especially when traveling, but there are also some huge downfalls.

One major concern is being weighed down with technology instead of making life easier. When we’re talking DSLRs, laptops, smartphones, tablets, action cams, and more as well as all the accessories and gear that go along with all those tech accessories, you can easily fill up a suitcase – and that’s before you pack any toiletries, clothing, or footwear.

So, I always say that when traveling, less truly is more. If you can go without a full laptop simply by packing a small add-on keyboard to your tablet, you are going to be a whole lot happier when packing, lugging your tech bag through airports and onto airplanes, and going through airport security – especially when you’re also corralling kids. By pairing your tablet with lightweight accessories and gadgets as well as apps to make your tablet function like a laptop, you can truly ditch the extra weight and end up with a versatile go-to device for everything from reading by the pool to editing work documents.

For this reason I love the Kindle Fire HD Kids Edition that is an ideal tablet for kids but also packed with features to make it perfect for adults, too. A few weeks ago my son got to play with one of these awesome tablets at the TravelingMom-Techlicious Holiday Tech and Travel Show in Seattle #TNTSeattle and he was so sad to say goodbye to it when the time came. Amazon saved the day {and month, and year} by sending us home with one of our own to play with and both kids were quickly smitten.