Turn that stress into something positive with RESCUE #StressLess2BMyBest
Believe me, I know stress. So, when I got an email asking me to share a peek into my world as a working mom of three young kids and give some tips about how I deal with stress and how RESCUE can help in a sponsored post, I was all about it.
What kind of stress, you ask? How about the time my newborn cried every single time I set her down, or the time my coworker was moving clear across the country and I was covering her shift during the move, or the time my beloved camera stopped working in the middle of a shoot and I couldn’t get it to work again, or the time I had stacks of financial, legal, and tax paperwork to go through all on a deadline and was dealing with numerous calls, emails and texts with people asking for the paperwork.
And, all of that I just mentioned? That all happened today while I was trying to get work done and take care of three kids. But, to make things worse, I couldn’t even ask my husband for help because he was busy working extra shifts and dealing with our rental property that was leaking in three different places because our renters were neglecting it. A day in the life of Leanne, people, a day in the life.
Of course, there's also days that look more like this. I was literally playing in fields of flowers with my sweet babies.
What not to bring to bed to improve your sleep
How would you describe your bed? If the words “haven” or “perfection” aren’t part of the description, then you should definitely listen up. If you really think about it, most people spend about a 1/3 of their lives in bed, which is more time than they spend doing just about anything else. Knowing that, doesn’t it make sense to make your bed as amazing as possible?
But, the truth is that most people are not getting nearly enough sleep. Whether they’re suffering from insomnia, stressed about work/money/life, they are chronically busy, or they are parents to kids of any age {because no, it does not get better after the newborn stage}, sleep deprivation comes in many forms.
Since we're talking beds, I thought I would share my all-time favorite picture I've ever taken of a bed. Even in my post-wedding haze when I was deliriously exhausted, I was admiring how huge our honeymoon suite was and I came up with the idea that hubby and I should jump on the bed in our wedding day finest and capture it all with the self-timer. The result was this picture, which we then sent out as thank you notes after the wedding.
Where we were: Washington State tulip festival with kids
Every year we go see the tulips with the kids, and this year we decided to go even earlier than normal after hearing that the tulips were out even before the festival "official" opening. And, I'm really glad we did. Almost no crowds to deal with, great weather for pictures, and beautiful blooms in just about every field rounded out our trip to see the tulips at Roozengaarde in Mount Vernon, Wa.
Here's just a few of the 200+ pictures of our trip up to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival this past weekend.
Non-candy Easter treats from Corolle dolls
My kids really aren't big on candy, which makes me really happy. Sure, they get the occasional treat at school or during holidays, but I never load up on holiday candy because it just takes up space in my pantry after the kids forget all about it. Since I already know what happens when they get bags and baskets of treats, I'm always thinking of creative things I can give them in their Easter baskets, and I always think Corolle first.
If anyone thought that having a real live baby of our own would diminish the kids' love of all things Corolle, they were wrong. Baby dolls are a very big deal around here and show no signs of going anywhere anytime soon, so I love the idea of getting them each a little surprise in their Easter baskets that can add to all the doll play and make it even more fun.
Hot Wheels Hyper Racer is perfect for springtime fun
If you know my son, you know how important each and every car he owns is. Ask him to get rid of one and he will act like you asked him which arm he wants to keep. It’s like he told me when he was little, “I want too many cars.” And, apparently he is still building his collection in his goal to amass “too many”.
So, it will come as no surprise that he is smitten with a company called Toy State that makes all sorts of cars, trucks, vehicles, and gear he covets. He’s loved their toys since he was just a tiny tot {seriously, check out this post to see my cute little baby loving on his cars in 2013}.
No-stress Easter dinner with HoneyBaked Ham
Some people are natural born hostesses with buffet tables stocked with everything they could need for gatherings of all kinds, recipes at the ready to wow, and the organization to pull it all together. For me, even the thought of entertaining used to really stress me out. I worried about whether I would have everything perfect for guests, I worried over how clean my house was, and most of all, I worried what I would serve to eat that would work well for a crowd.
But, this year I've been entertaining more and more now that it's just easier to stay home with a newborn and have everyone come to us. And, while I wish I could say I've gotten better about tidying up before house guests, the truth is that now I just blame it on the baby. But, there's one thing I've gotten really good about doing as a mom of three: delegating.
That means when someone says, "Can I do something?", the answer is, "Yes." Sometimes that something is just playing with the kids while I get stuff done, sometimes it's bringing a dish or two, and sometimes that means handing off my baby to the first one in the door so I can enjoy some much needed time using both of my hands. But, my best delegating has got to be the addition of HoneyBaked Ham to our entertaining routine. My #1 tip for surviving entertaining during the holidays is letting HoneyBaked Ham handle the food for me.
Update those winter wardrobes with Carter’s Babies and Kids #SpringIntoCarters
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Carters. I received a complimentary gift card to facilitate my review and thank me for my participation #SpringIntoCarters
Spring is finally here in the Pacific Northwest and that means we're purging our bulky sweaters and looking for bright colors and warmer weather wear. But, while I can wear most of my clothes from last spring {hooray for not being pregnant anymore!}, the kids have grown so much that shopping is a necessity, which I'm not going to complain about now that I've got a new little one to shop for as well. Naturally, I turned to the company that I've relied on to outfit my kids since they were born: Carter's Babies and Kids. I absolutely love shopping at my local Carter's store because every season it is restocked with an awesome mix of adorable, cute, hip, practical, and truly fun pieces for newborn on up to kids size 12.
SoFabU On The Road comes to Seattle next month {early bird pricing ends 3/18}
I can’t tell you how disappointed I was last year when everyone was posting how much fun they were having at SoFabCon and I couldn’t swing it to attend. But, with it being on Mother’s Day weekend, which is already jam packed for us, and taking place all the way in Arkansas, at least I had a good reason for not attending.
This year, however, I am definitely going to make it as I can’t wait to connect with the SoFab team as they hit the road. With some of my favorite bloggers and brands set to attend, you can bet I’m excited that there’s a stop here in Seattle next month so I can attend without having to figure out airfare and hotels as well as childcare.
Why you should see Disney’s Cinderella with your kids
If you’ve been around young girls recently, you’ve probably heard an earful about how much they want to see the new live-action Cinderella movie that arrives in theaters today. As a mom to one of those overly-excited young girls, I knew from the first movie trailer that I was going to end up being talked into seeing it at some point, so I figured I would go ahead and attend the Seattle pre-screening with the family to check it out.
It’s not that I don’t love Disney’s Cinderella, because the truth is I grew up loving the animated movie and singing the songs along with my sisters. In fact, I’m fairly certain I could recite the entire film at one point after hearing my little sister watch it so many times when she was little. But, even back then I had a lot of questions about flaws in the logic of the story, a desire for a less one-dimensional Cinderella, and trepidation about love at first sight… even if it was a prince we were talking about. Now, as a mom evaluating everything on the lessons it teaches my young children, I wasn’t sure I wanted a new Cinderella for this new generation. But, I knew I was going to be outnumbered in this view and there was no way my daughter wouldn’t want to see it, so I figured I would rather see it with her so we could talk about it afterwards. What I didn’t expect was that not only would I love the movie, but the talk afterwards would be so in depth and cover so many important topics that I would end up highly recommending it to other moms and young girls.
Are you on the fence about the new film and wondering if it’s worth the admission price? Here are just a few of the reasons I feel you should go and see it with your kiddos.
Start a love of biking early with the smarTrike 4-in-1 trike
Our family is huge into biking and the kids spend all spring, summer, and fall pedaling all over the neighborhood and beyond. But, with a new reviewer that is going to be too young to join in all the biking fun, I wasn't sure what her and I were going to do while the big kids played. Sure, I could push her in the stroller alongside them, but that's a pretty sad consolation to biking with the big kids.
Introducing the smarTrike® Boutique Touch Steering® 4-in-1 trike that can get her out biking even before she can reach the pedals. Besides starting a love of biking earlier than ever, it also has all sorts of little details that make toddlers and parents happy. It might be so cool that even the big kids love it. Being 4-in-1 allows us to start baby girl on the smarTrike at 10 months and then as she grows we can configure it to fit our needs. Just check out all the ways you can use the smarTrike to grow with your child, or make it useful for families with multiple young kids.