Lundby makeover: creating a spa retreat
Who doesn't love a good spa getaway every once in a while? Mrs. Lundby in particular loves a very special spa by the beach that Mr. Lundby took her to when they were first married, and she has been dying to go back ever since.
But, with all the renovations they have been doing to their new house, they aren't really able to take an extended vacation right now, so they did the next best thing for her for Mother's Day: they brought the spa to their house.
Where we were: Greenlake, WA
I love Greenlake in Seattle, WA. The area around the lake, the lake itself, and the walking path that surrounds it all have had my heart since I was little.
Growing up, my family used to visit Greenlake almost as often as we visited parks within walking distance of our house, and it will always remind me of playing in the wading pools {which have since been removed, probably as a result of the thousands of stubbed toes I gave myself growing up}, playing on the playground, and renting paddle boats {happily, these are still there} during long summer days.
Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron opens today – here’s how to convince your wife to go
Today is like a holiday for all Marvel fans as it marks the opening day of one of the most anticipated movies of the year, Avengers: Age of Ultron. I couldn’t be more excited as I love all the nostalgia of the super heroes of my youth and watching them change into what they are today – richer, and more evolved characters that do more than just fight crime.
My wife, who grew up with musicals and chick flicks and then grew to love dramas of all kinds, thinks I’m crazy. This is what happens when I ask her to see blockbuster super hero films with me in theaters: 1) She tells me I can go and she can watch the kids. 2) I insist that it’s more fun to see it together, and besides, we could use a date night anyway. 3) She finally reluctantly agrees. 4) On the way there she asks me what the movie is going to be about as if I helped produce it, not just viewed a trailer or two.
Clean up in seconds with Lay-N-Go ~ a totable mat for everyone in the family
Now that we’re in the early stages of re-baby proofing our house for our new little one, I’m realizing more than ever all the small choking hazards that litter my floor as the kids play. Since getting rid of toys that have small parts isn’t really an option with a LEGO fanatic and a whole house full of miniatures, I’ve been brainstorming ways to corral the toys and keep the little ones safe.
I’d be mad at all the little pieces everywhere but it’s not entirely their fault as our current system involves dumping bins which causes small pieces to scatter. And, in all fairness, they are actually quite good about picking up the pieces when they are done playing, which is why the bin system works for us. It was an obvious improvement upon the toy box system which had little pieces in thin layers along the bottom of the box, but clearly neither option is going to work well once we have a mobile baby.
While looking for something that allowed the small toys to be put away while still allowing them to be accessible, I found an awesome company called Lay-N-Go. Not only do they solve the problem of how to store all those small toys, their products also add the benefit of giving the kids a safe place to play with those toys, and an easy clean-up process.
Galt Toys Playnest & Gym: the perfect foldable and portable activity center
If you knew any of my children as babies, you know how much they hated to be set down on their backs. All three of them were the happiest, smiley-est babies until you would dare set them down flat on their back as experts recommend. Needless to say, “back is best” is not a common phrase around here.
But, what’s a busy mom to do that sometimes needs use of both hands and can’t wear her baby 100% of the time? She gets this: This, my friends, is a happy baby in the Galt Playnest & Gym – Farm. This educational and colorful multi-sensory activity center gives me the perfect place to set baby down without having to listen to her increasingly louder objections. I dare say she even {gasp} enjoys the Playnest, and I hope this love continues to grow during all the stages of play.
This peaceful moment brought to you by Galt Toys.
Make any day magical with Pacific Play Tents
If I were designing the perfect childhood toy, it would have two major components. First, it would inspire imaginations to encourage make believe and storytelling. Second, it would be open-ended so it could be played with in numerous ways, which means it would be played with often and be a beloved toy for years.
Take the Painting Teepee from Pacific Play Tents for example. This clearly isn’t just a high quality teepee, it’s a childhood haven. As you can see, it's the kiddos fort.
Celebrate the power of play with the Gymboree Hop ‘N’ Roll collection
I know play time for children is vital as it helps them learn about the world around them in ways I can’t teach them in a book, so I always make play time a priority. From unstructured playtime to working together to create a talent show, a fairy garden, or a circus, we fill our days with as much play as we possibly can.
So, I was a little taken aback the other day when I told my kids I wanted them to wear play clothes if they were going to be out digging in our backyard and they both looked at me like I was crazy. “Do you mean dress up clothes?” my daughter asked. Clearly, they aren’t of my generation where we had two categories of clothing: play clothes and fancy.
To my kids, everything is play clothes, even if they really shouldn’t be. We’re talking fancy holiday dresses year-round at the beach and white button-up shirts and dresses while gardening. After looking through their closets it became really clear that they could both use some new “play clothes” for summer that would allow them to swing on monkey bars, skip rope, and do all the other things kids should be doing all day without worrying about restrictive clothing getting in the way.
Meet the beautiful Samsung Galaxy Alpha from AT&T
Love the iPhone styling but just don’t love the iPhone? Join the club.
Introducing the Samsung Galaxy Alpha, the sleek and smart Android phone that has the best of both worlds. I will admit I’ve had a mixed history with Android in the past as I love my Android tablet but I can’t quite give up the functionality of my Windows phone and how well it pairs with my PC, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the Galaxy Alpha design and all the premium features built in.
AT&T Samsung Galaxy Alpha
Did you read our review of the Samsung Galaxy Alpha? The sleek and smart Android phone is not only beautiful, it's also full of impressive features that can keep any tech-y happy. The Samsung Galaxy Alpha really nails the sleek and modern look with a crisp 4.7-inch Super AMOLED HD display that delivers HD clarity and rich colors paired with a gorgeous metal frame.
On siblings and love
Did you know today is National Siblings Day? In honor of the holiday, I thought I would share some thoughts on siblings and love.
Siblings: Talking About My Generation
I am one of 5 children, all born relatively close in age and all unusually close. Growing up, there was always someone to play with and although we fought like brothers and sisters do, our fights were short-lived and we all made up easily. During different times in my life I’ve alternated who I’ve been closest with, and because of this I have developed a strong bond with every single one of them.
Throughout the years we’ve all chosen to live relatively close together {although this won’t be true for long – sob, sob}, and we’ve chosen to remain friends even through the ups and downs of childhood, teenage years, and now into adulthood. When something big happens, they are the first people I turn to. And, when one of them needs me, I will drop everything to help.