I’ll admit that I never really outgrew my childhood dollhouse. Even when I finally moved it out of my bedroom in my early teens and let my sister play with all of my miniatures, I was more than just a little sad. In fact, I think I spent more time that summer helping her paint and decorate her new dollhouse than she did, which at the time I chalked up to being an awesome big sister. Clearly, it was just an awesome excuse to redecorate a dollhouse one last time.
As soon as I found out I was having a daughter, I knew I would one day share with her the joys of miniature building, decorating, and playing. And, I couldn’t wait. When the day came that our Lundby dollhouse arrived and was ready to be decorated, I realized just how much I missed playing with miniatures. Yes, it was still about my daughter and what she wanted from a dollhouse, but it was also about what we could build and do together that got me the most excited.
I look back now to that day two years ago and I realize now why people thought it was crazy to bring such a fragile dollhouse into our living space with a 2 ½ year old and a 5 year old, but at the time I was too excited to care. In the years that have passed, I have not only grown to trust them with the house and all its little pieces while supervised, but about a year ago I started allowing them to play with it all by themselves. And, as soon as baby learns "gentle", she's going to be allowed to play with it, too.
Toys & Games
We love the 2015 Hess Fire Truck and Ladder Rescue
My son loves vehicles of all kinds. Big ones he can sit in and pretend to drive, little ones that fit in his pocket, and medium sized ones that he sets up scenes for so he can play make believe all day long. But, although he loves all trucks, cars and vehicles, fire trucks are the epitome of cool to him.
So, when I heard that the new 2015 Hess Toy Truck that was released this November was a Fire Truck and Ladder Rescue, I knew it had to be his. A quick look into the “Hesstory” of the company {see what they did there?}, and I already knew this was going to be a yearly tradition with me and my son.
Have you heard of Hess Toy Trucks before? The tradition began in 1964 when the first toy truck was revealed. Each November the new design is released to their eager fans, which includes both collectors and kids alike.
Dress up with official NFL kid’s costume sets from Franklin Sports
Are you sick of the Halloween costumes made to last one night before they get abandoned? In my house, we won't even consider a costume unless we are sure the kids will use it for dress up even well after the pumpkins have been tossed. This means no cheapie costumes that will rip and fall apart after one use, we need stuff that is kid tough and made to be played in.
So, this year we're going with something we know the kids will wear every Friday and Sunday during football season as we cheer on the Seahawks, the Franklin Sports official NFL deluxe helmet with uniform. Definitely not a one night use item, these make for a fun-filled Halloween and a festive football season.Designed for game day as well as costume parties, we've already gotten good use out of our set and we've only had it a few days. Clearly, this is one costume that is definitely not going to be buried in the dress up bin or tossed after one night.
The set comes with a play helmet that looks just like the real thing, a team jersey, pants and iron-on number kit so you can customize with your favorite player's number. And, whether the kids wear it all together as it was intended or they mix and match so they can wear the jersey to school for Blue Friday, or the helmet with whatever Seahawks clothing they have in their closets, you can bet it's going to be a hit.
Let girls build with Roominate Studio DIY designing kits
Have you taken a stroll down the pink side of the toys stores lately? Slowly but surely, the days when all girls have to play with is dolls and princesses are coming to an end. Recently, there has been a huge shift in girls’ toys, and the result is really awesome.
As the revolution takes place in toy stores everywhere, we are now seeing products specifically marketed towards girls offer so much more substance than ever before. Thanks in part to companies like Roominate, girls are now hearing a message that they should have been hearing all along: girls can build and design, too. The story behind Roominate begins with two women, Alice Brooks and Bettina Chen, who met and became friends in the master’s engineering program at Stanford. When they got to talking about why they had pursued engineering, they both said they were inspired by the toys they played with during childhood. While looking at current toy offerings for girls and boys, they saw huge gaps in toys marketed towards the different genders.
Together they set about to change it by creating a product that was not just pink and pretty, but also had a basis in STEM subjects {Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math}. And, with that, the idea behind Roominate was born.
Explore the ’50s with Maryellen, the new BeForever doll from American Girl
Have you ever felt like you were born in the wrong decade? For me, my heart has always belonged to the ‘50s. My parents were born in the 1950s so I grew up hearing stories of the way things used to be and I always felt a connection to the decade that shaped their generation. I spent countless hours listening to their 45s, exploring their childhood closets for clothing gems left behind when everyone moved away from home, and pining for a decade I never personally experienced.
My love of the ‘50s has only been renewed with the arrival of the newest American Girl’s BeForever™ character, Maryellen Larkin. Only now it’s better because I get to share that love with my children.
I don’t think it’s possible to be more in love with Maryellen. With her gorgeous strawberry blond hair, her brown eyes, and her authentic 1950s outfit featuring a striped dress, a lacy-knit shrug with a monogrammed "M", black shoes, and a ribbon bow for her hair, she’s exactly what I think of when I picture my mom and my aunts during the ‘50s. Classic and all-American, Maryellen is even more beautiful in person than she is online and in catalogue.
3-in-1 PortaPlay convertible activity center from Oribel
With my older two kids I had every baby gadget, gizmo, or new fad that came on the market. And then I gave most of it away to family and friends thinking we were done with the baby stage. So, when we found out we were expecting baby #3 last year, I had many people ask if we wanted our stuff back, but I knew they were still using it so I said I would let them know when we were ready for it.
As it turns out, I haven’t asked for any of it back. And, for the most part, I haven’t missed all the baby stuff. I call my new parenting style “minimal”, and it’s actually been quite awesome not having to find places to store all the extra stuff before, during, and after we need it.
For that reason, Oribel is my favorite new baby gear company, hands down. Instead of buying a baby item that lasts a matter of weeks, their baby gear is designed to grow with baby through multiple stages helping you truly go minimal.
A teddy bear that is changing the world: Bears for Humanity
On my 30th birthday I got hit by a drunk driver on my way home from renewing my driver’s license with my two small children. While the driver who hit us sped off, our car bounced around the freeway, sliding across loose gravel, and straight into a guard rail, narrowly missing a 30 foot drop.
Eventually, our car ended up in oncoming traffic where kind passersby helped push our car off to the side while we waited for the emergency responders to check us over and assist us. My husband arrived in just minutes to escort us off the freeway and together we got the car to the state patrol’s office to get the accident paperwork.
We were met by two officers upon our arrival at the office parking lot, each holding a teddy bear for our young children. Even just the sight of them standing there holding those bears brought me to tears, and it was in that moment that I understood that teddy bears sometimes are much more than a simple toy. Sometimes they remind you just how much good there is in the world just when you need it most. Our interaction that night with the troopers took just minutes, but I will never forget their kindness to me and my kids that evening.
Sure, there are 30th birthdays ruined by someone having too much fun drinking and not enough sense to utilize public transportation or taxi services. But, there are also passersby who put their lives in danger to save people they don’t even know, and sometimes there are state patrols who hear of young children involved in a serious car accident and take the time out of their busy day to surprise those kids with teddy bears when they need a little comfort.
Bears for Humanity understands that a teddy bear can make all the difference in the world to a child in difficult circumstances. That’s why when you buy one of their gorgeous bears they will send an identical bear to a child who needs it through a number of reputable charitable organizations that you can select from as you buy.
A whole new way to have fun while building with Geomag Toys
If I was describing the differences between my toys growing up and the toys my kids love, the biggest differences wouldn't be what you would probably expect. It isn’t technology, computers, or gadgets that set them apart. No, the biggest difference I see is the intelligence in the design of toys these days that takes learning toys to a whole new level.
Instead of basic blocks like I used to play with, now children's building tools are more advanced and so much cooler. Just look at Geomag, the maker of awesome magnetic construction toys that have been huge in Europe for years and are just now re-entering the US market. Using super strong magnets within magnetic rods and non-magnetic spheres as well as accessories, the Geomag sets allow you to build not just up, but also out, around, and within so you can build so much more than ever before. Because the magnets hold your design in place, you don’t have to worry about a strong gust of wind knocking everything down and can build in all directions until you have created your masterpiece.
Iconic Ambi developmental toys for baby and beyond
Do you remember these toys from Ambi from when you were young? I’m betting you do, because every single person that has come over and seen my kids playing with the set of Ambi Toys has remarked about how they used to play with them when they were little.
Notice how I said “my kids”? Not “the baby”, but “the kids”.
In fact, I had these toys all set aside waiting for when the baby was old enough to play with them, thinking that my older kids were well past the Ambi Toys stage. Then, one day when we had a house full of kids, the box got torn open and the toys were immediately pounced on – by all the kids, from age 3 months to 7 years. How could you possibly be mad when the toy thief is this adorable? You just can't.
Mix and match fun with custom Modarri cars {& discount code}
We discovered Modarri cars last year, and we quickly became obsessed. Basically, they are everything my son loves.
Fixing things: check
Racing: check
Designing stuff: check
Things with wheels: check So, what are Modarri cars? They are build-it-yourself custom cars that you can mix and match and customize to your heart’s content.
Each car even comes complete with a special hex tool so you can break down each car into its multiple parts: a chassis, hood and windshield, seat pan, seat, fenders and frame, and wheels with front and rear suspension. And, each of those parts can be used with other Modarri car models so you can build and rebuild as often as you like to create whatever car strikes your fancy.