As the parent of young kids, it's my job to teach them all I can about how the world works. Some of this is fun and involves traveling to exotic locales and experimenting with art, but some things certainly aren't my favorite. For instance, math, technology, or anything that involves me reading a textbook and then following directions step by step.
So, you're probably wondering why I agreed to teach math and technology at my daughter’s school. I could explain that it’s the only time slot that I had access to a sitter for my little one, but the truth is that I wanted a challenge. If I’m challenging the kids to learn new things and not be limited by what they think they can't do, I also need to take my own advice, even if that means studying up on my days off.
It’s no secret that I’m literally the last person you’d ask for help with a project involving circuitry, and that’s mostly my own doing. My husband likes to give me simple ways to remember how circuits and electronics work, and I conveniently forget each time or I doubt myself when I’m actually left on my own.
This is the reason I turned to Circuit Scribe. Circuit Scribe fits right in the STEM subjects I’m teaching, but unlike textbooks and worksheets, it makes learning about circuits actually fun for kids as well as their adult helpers.
The secret to the Circuit Scribe system is the special pen with conductive ink that lets you draw out the connections for your circuit instead of using wires or a circuit board. This really allows you to see how the circuit works and gets you involved more deeply than just snapping pieces together, plus it adds a whole art dimension to the project that I love.
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