American Girl for everyone

American Girl for everyoneMy oldest fell in love with American Girl when she was only 1 year old, so we’ve been American Girl crazy for years and years now. But, that love is even stronger now that we officially have a doll for everyone, thanks to the newest American Girl contemporary dolls. American Girl dollsLike most families, we start with the Bitty Baby line and then we ease in slowly to the American Girl Wellie Wisher, BeForever, Truly Me, and Contemporary lines. That transition is always a big deal when they go from baby to adolescent and with that comes doll books, movies, accessories, and more to immerse them further into the world of American Girl. 

But, until this month, there was nowhere for my son to go after he outgrew his Bitty Baby boy {which thankfully hasn’t happened yet}. I dreaded the day my son would be done with babies and his love of American Girl would slowly fade while his sisters continued to play. I don’t need to worry about that anymore, because his love has only deepened with the introduction of Tenney Grant and Logan Everett.

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Disney’s Moana obession level: High

Moana ObsessedSponsored post Our Moana obsession started as soon as we saw the first trailers for Disney’s newest full-length animated film, and it persisted even after we saw the movie in theaters {not just once, but twice, which is something we never do}. The kids were counting down the days until they could own the movie themselves, so to make do in the interim between theater and DVD, we got the Moana soundtrack with songs by the amazing songwriter Lin-Manuel Miranda. The soundtrack quickly intensified their obsession and it basically hasn’t left the CD player in weeks.

And while some movies are great because they hold our interest and have great soundtracks, Moana was a movie I could get behind 100%. Instead of the tired old story of princess and prince waiting for each other in order to be happy and fulfilled, Disney is shaking up the game by offering us truly strong female characters. Moana is the newest in their lineup of progressive heroines that value self-discovery, independence, and rising to any challenge. This is why I not only allow the Moana obsession, but I also encourage it. Moana movie and bookThis is why we’re all thrilled to announce that Moana is finally available on Blu-ray 3D, Blu-ray, DVD and On-Demand! Wooohooo! Even though the littlest one pronounces it “Noana”, the excitement she holds for the movie, the music, and all the new characters doesn’t need translating. This is a little girl who has been waiting for a 1/4 of her life for this day…. Moana love

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10+ tips for car trips with kids

10 tips for car trips with kidsDo you have some long car trips coming up for the summer? Like most people, I will be spending quite a bit of time in my car over the next few weeks as we visit relatives, see the sights, and vacation with friends in the area, and I’m already planning ahead for the road trips with three young kiddos.

To me, road trips are a great way to bond and see the sights both near and far in ways you just can't on an airplane, and I love taking a good road trip {or three} each summer. But, because of limited space and cramped conditions, they can also be a delicate balance of having what you need with fun things to do, without packing your vehicle from top to bottom. The picture below shows a precarious suitcase tower that includes what 5 people need for a snowshoe, ski, sun, and swim trip and even with the bigger car, and all of this stuff really pushed the limits of what is manageable for a road trip.

 Outlander 2017 luggage

Here are a few tips for awesome car trips with kids:

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The LEGO Batman Movie hits theaters today!

Sponsored postThe newest LEGO movie is out today, and kids everywhere are busy trying to talk their parents into taking them to see the LEGO Batman Movie. So, I’m Image001betting you’re wondering if you should take your children to see it in theater or just wait for it on DVD? The short answer is yes, you definitely should schedule a theater date.

When the first LEGO Movie came out, we were all big fans. In fact, we’ve spent way more time singing “Everything is awesome” than I’d like to admit, as well as having added “Kragle” to our regular vocabulary. The LEGO Movie was one of the few movies that parents, grandparents, and kids could all agree on, and as a result it quickly became a must-own DVD when it was released.

In addition to introducing us to exciting new characters and taking us deep into the world of LEGO, another standout part of the first movie was the inclusion of the beloved LEGO Batman. So, as soon as we heard a LEGO Batman Movie was in the works, we were all very excited to see it as soon as possible. IMG_2037

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Microsoft Lumia 950 from AT&T makes it easier than ever to switch to Windows

Microsoft Lumia 950Sponsored postIf you’ve read any of my cell phone reviews, you already know that I’m a Windows gal through and through. It started back when I was switching from my business-issued Blackberry all those years ago and I debated whether I was going to go with an iPhone, the new Android device, or something else. It turns out “something else” is where my heart was, because I love my Windows phone.

I’ve already talked about why I love the Nokia Lumia 1520 from AT&T, but for those of you loved the features but who were worried about the Phablet size, the 5.2″ Microsoft® Lumia 950 with Windows® 10 from AT&T is definitely for you. Still not sure if Windows is the way to go? Here are just a few reasons why you should consider switching:

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Seattle Premium Outlets last-minute gift guide

Are you worried there isn't enough time left to pick up thoughtful gifts for everyone on your list? Never fear, Seattle Premium Outlets is here to help and no one will ever have to know that you shopped last minute! 

I'm sharing with you our gift guide for every age on your list. Every item was found at Seattle Premium Outlets this past week and is perfect for gifting this holiday season.  HGG for parents and grandparentsSPO holiday picks for womenFlannel: Eddie Bauer, Boot Cuffs and Socks: Timberland, Bracelet and Bag: Coach OutletSPO Practical gifts for girlsFlannel: (r) Eddie Bauer (l) Timberland, Socks: TimberlandSPO holiday picks for womenPajama Pants for Women: Hanna, Pajamas for Baby: HannaSPO holiday picks for womenStar Wars Shirt and Bow: Hot Topic

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Festive and fun last-minute shopping for everyone on your list at Seattle Premium Outlets

Sponsored postCan you believe Christmas is less than a week away? It seemed like I had things under control and then late last week I checked I still had a dozen of presents left to buy and the days were flying by. Instead of stressing out, I decided to take an afternoon off and head up to Seattle Premium Outlets in Tulalip, WA for a day of shopping, meeting up with friends, and ultimately, crossing off my list once and for all. Seattle Premium Outlets signBaby and I set off on an epic shopping trip that started with meeting up for coffee with a long-lost friend, and then ended with her falling asleep clutching an empty Coach shopping bag, a Tigger bracelet, a handful of stickers, and a notebook – all of which were given to her on our shopping trip for being such a delight. Seattle Premium Outlets coffee break with friendsWe stopped by guest services where we were greeted with beautiful holiday decorations on the fireplaces flanking the food court. This is where you can pick up mall gift cards as well as shop their huge selection of restaurant, store, and experience gift cards at the gift card kiosk.

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The perfect Christmas gift: The new and improved Lundby Dollhouse

Lundby house at Christmas square
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As parents, we categorize toys into four main groups:

  1. novelty toys that are fun for a bit and then get abandoned within hours
  2. toys that kids play with for days and then ditch before they have even been in the house a month
  3. toys that don’t get played with every day but are still returned to month after month
  4. and, finally, those special toys that are an essential part of play nearly every single day, year after year.

As you can imagine, there are lots and lots of toys that fall in those first two groups, and not so many that fit in the third group. As for that fourth group? It’s like a rare unicorn and you never know when, or where, you will find it. Lundby dellightsFor us, the Lundby dollhouse is one of a handful of toys that squarely fit in that fourth group without ever wavering. From the moment the kids opened the Lundby dollhouse all those years ago, they were hooked. And then, with all the redecorating, DIYs, and crafting we have done on it throughout the years, the Lundby dollhouse just kept getting more and more beloved as we all added our personal touch to the house. Lundby mom and daughterSo, when we got home from Boston and were greeted with a huge package from Lundby that contained a brand new Lundby dollhouse, the sideboard/TV set, and the awesome Lundby remote, it was declared as the Ever since we saw a sneak peek of the newest Lundby items on social media and got wind of the remote, I was dying to try it out.


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The perfect gift for the impossible to buy for: Snake River Farms steaks

Sponsored postSnake River Farms boxEveryone has that one {or four, or five} people on their holiday list that are impossible to buy for, and you spend all month running around searching for something – anything – before you give up and buy them a gift card. How about this year you do something different and give them a gift they truly want, and something to look forward to opening and enjoying?

That gift is American Wagyu beef from Snake River Farms. Used by some of the country's most renowned chefs like Thomas Keller, Wolfgang Puck and Michael Mina, as well as at popular spots nationwide, a gift from Snake River Farms is sure to impress even the toughest critic. Founded in 1999, Snake River Farms has been passionate about delivering the finest foods directly to consumers to bring you world class restaurant quality in the comfort of home.Snake River Farms mealWe got to try a few American Wagyu steaks from their Steak Flight gift set this month and I can tell you, they are like nothing else I’ve ever eaten. Fancy steakhouses aren’t in the cards for us right now, but that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate a quality steak just as much as I used to. In order to enjoy a quality steak, Hubby and I didn’t have to don fancy clothes, get a sitter, and then make the trek to an expensive restaurant to enjoy a meal that is truly decadent and memorable.

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