Bausch + Lomb Biotrue {Video Review}

Spring is here, which for us usually means allergies, fluctuating temperatures, and our first dose of air conditioning, all of which are notoriously hard on contact lens wearers.  While contact lenses certainly are more convenient than glasses for many of my daily activities, the transition to warm weather can really do a number on my … Read more

In Memory of Zackie

On March 10, 2011, the world lost a sweet little boy named Zack Hamilton. Zackie wasn't just any little boy, he was an inspiration to all the many hearts he touched.  He also was the son of my very good friend, Heather Hamilton.    Before I was a mother, I would have told you that … Read more

HOP the Movie – Easter Fun for Everyone #HOPtoit

My daughter has recently gotten very into movies, and we now use them as a reward system for when she successfully completes her sticker chart for the week.  So, with a full week’s worth of stickers colorfully arranged on her chart, we set off for an advance screening of the movie HOP from Universal Pictures … Read more

DYMO LabelWriter 450 Twin Turbo Professional Label Maker

I resolve to… streamline my office Even a casual reader of this site knows how excited we get about organization.  And, if you saw our daily comings and goings you would completely understand why.  Like most parents, we are extremely busy with two small kids, work, a blog, and very busy social lives.  So, whether … Read more

More Elf-Magic Elfcapades

As most of you know, we have been hosting an elf these past few weeks at our house.  From the moment we wake up until it's bedtime, you can usually find our elf, Ryan, with us.  Well, that is if you can keep track of him.  Even though he still sleeps a lot of the … Read more

Neighborhood Toy Store Day was a Success!

This past Saturday was a big day for us at Rave Central.  As we made our way through Seattle to the Yo Gabba Gabba Live show, we made a really special stop on 85th Street in Greenwood.  This stop was at Top Ten Toys, one of that many stores near us participating in Neighborhood Toy … Read more

Help Celebrate National Neighborhood Toy Store Day on November 13th

When I was young my mom used to take me to the most magical place on earth, a place where being a kid was king and everything was just my size.  Whether I was playing in the elaborately decorated playhouse, playing postman, or entertaining my inner chef and whipping up breakfast to rows of dolls, … Read more

Movie Review: Life As We Know It

Here at Rave Central we don’t get out to movies nearly as often as we would like.  But, when we saw the trailer for the new film “Life As We Know It,” starring Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel, we had already pre-planned a date night.  So, when the opportunity arose for us to attend a … Read more