More Elf-Magic Elfcapades

As most of you know, we have been hosting an elf these past few weeks at our house.  From the moment we wake up until it's bedtime, you can usually find our elf, Ryan, with us.  Well, that is if you can keep track of him. 

Even though he still sleeps a lot of the time (he hasn't fully acclimated to our time zone), he's gotten pretty good at hiding and is always popping up in surprising places.  I know he's never far but yet I'm always caught off guard when I open a drawer and find him peeking up at me.  Don't worry, though, because we have our share of fun with him, too, like when he's sleeping so soundly that we are able to put him to sleep in the pink canopy Corolle doll bed (he hates pink).  His reaction when he wakes up there is just priceless, which my daughter thinks is hysterical.

Here's what Elfcapades Ryan has been up to these past weeks…  What fun Elf-Magic!

Open Kitchen

Hanging out in the kitchen waiting for breakfast.
Play Kitchen 

And in the little one's kitchen.
Or giving us hints about what he would like for his snack.

Ryan has already jokingly mentioned quite a few times that he would like less pink bedding next time he visits, so we're going to try and fix him up some more masculine accommodations for next year.  I'm sure that either way he will end up sleeping in the pink canopy bed at least a few more times now that we see what a great reaction we get from him.   

These past weeks have been really fun with Ryan and it's going to be hard to see him go on Christmas Eve… but I do feel better knowing that he is off to help Santa!

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Leanne Signature 2 A big thank you to Santa for answering my daughter's letter and sending Ryan the elf to adore this holiday season.  He will be a welcome addition to our family each holiday season!

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