Yo Gabba Gabba! There’s A Party In My City!

I can’t tell you how sad I was the last time YO GABBA GABBA! THERE’S A PARTY IN MY CITY! Tour was making waves and I found out the party actually wasn’t in my city.  For all of you that were as sad as I was that your city was passed by, I’ve got great … Read more

Hoover at the Home + Housewares Show in Chicago

All of the Rave and Review crew have been in Chicago this past week as guests of Hoover at the International Home + Housewares Show where we got to see firsthand all of the new products for 2010. Hoover was celebrating the unveiling of their newest vacuums and cleaning units, as well as announcing their partnership … Read more

Harlem Globetrotters 2010 Magical Memories Tour

It’s a good year to be a Globetrotter.  If you think you've seen the Harlem Globetrotters everywhere these past few months, you are absolutely correct.  Appearing on all sorts of TV shows and getting tons of airtime for the causes and groups they support, the Harlem Globetrotters are back in a big way. In their … Read more

Sundancing with the Stars

Any of you that follow my tweets have probably already picked up on the fact that all of us at Rave and Review have been hanging out in Park City, Utah this past week living it up at the Sundance Film Festival.  We have been enjoying all their beautiful snow and sun, especially since it … Read more

Raves Faves for 2009

What would a New Year's post be without a top 10 list (or three)?  Over the last year we have reviewed some really awesome products that we had a blast testing and writing about and we wanted to take this time to recount our absolute favorite posts of 2009.  While we love each and every product … Read more

Christmas at Rave Central

There's nothing like having a toddler to make Christmas feel magical again.  Here's what Christmas looked like at our house this year:   Have you ever seen a happier kid on Christmas morning?  Here's pretty much how she looked for the rest of the day…  And then the obligatory Christmas Tree pic:   For the … Read more

Random Rave: Thankful

In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday, I decided to do something a little different today.  Instead of raving about a product or service I love, I thought I would do a post raving about all that I am thankful for. I am thankful for: A daughter who simply enchants everyone that she meets, starting first … Read more

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Halloween with their families.  Here are some pictures of the big night at Rave and Review: The whole clan Baby girl 🙂

No steps ‘til… Brooklyn

There is a general rule on how you are supposed to handle large milestones in a baby’s life: first there’s the call to close family and friends, and then there’s the updates on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, Chat Rooms, Friendster and whatever new social networking site you crazy kids are using these days. But, instead of … Read more