“Growing up happens in a heartbeat. One day you’re in diapers: the next you’re gone. But, memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul.” Kudos to anyone who recognized this quote as the narration that concluded the television show The Wonder Years in 1993. This is one of my favorite quotes from a movie/show of all time, and it has stayed with me through more than two decades.
Excited to watch the series again and introduce my own children to it, I was positively thrilled when I found out that the entire series was going to be released by Time Life for the first time on DVD this year. But, I was even more excited when I realized that it wasn’t just any multi-DVD set that was coming out, it was a special collector’s edition set with special features, a yearbook, and an awesome metal locker to store it all in. Just look at all this awesomeness. I am in 80s heaven over here flipping through the books and checking out all the behind-the-scenes goodies.