Getting ready for the holidays? Don’t forget the batteries! {with printable coupons}

Sponsored postYou know what's a big bummer? Opening presents Christmas day and realizing that the amazing toy your kiddo has been waiting for all.year.long needs batteries you don't have on hand. Also a bummer: Realizing that there is absolutely no stores open on Christmas day to go get those batteries. 6a0105362badb1970b01a73df8d1ea970d-800wiSo, here's a mom tip for you: Buy those batteries now, instead of waiting.

Pick up a few packages of Rayovac batteries when you're out Christmas shopping and either put them in the stockings or in the gift packages themselves. It may not be the most exciting thing they receive that morning, but a stocking stuffed with batteries is certainly better then possibly forgetting to pick up any at all and seeing disappointed faces come Christmas morning.

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Thank goodness for HoneyBaked Ham this Thanksgiving

By now you probably know how much I love HoneyBaked Ham and how it made me into a ham-lover after 3 decades of turning the stuff away. These days I’m always looking for another reason to visit the store near me and load up on their ham and turkey, and the fact that Thanksgiving is … Read more

Beat holiday weight gain with the Jawbone UP24 from AT&T

It’s only the first week of November and I already feel like hibernating for the remaining winter months. It's getting rainy and cold here in Seattle and my living room is feeling awfully cozy with the fire going, so it's easy to just close my eyes and curl up on the couch. But, the one thing that's keeping me going and staying active? It's my Jawbone UP24 from AT&T that helps keep me in line if I'm not meeting my step goal or I'm going over my calorie goal.     6a0105362badb1970b01a73ddc8c1c970d-800wiDid you know that AT&T carries a bunch of tech-savvy solutions for fighting off this season of eating more and exercising less? More than just phones these days, AT&T stores offer a variety of wearable technologies for consumers interested in health and fitness, such as the UP24 from Jawbone I was raving about earlier this year. With activity/sleep trackers, smart watches, pulse monitors, arm bands, scales and much more, AT&T has everything you need to stay within your fitness goals and beat this holiday weight gain. You can see their whole line by clicking here

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Thank Goodness It’s Back to School with Fruit of the Loom

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6a0105362badb1970b01901ec34bb0970b-800wiYou know what back to school means? It means fall colors, tall boots, chunky sweaters, steaming lattes, and a whole lot more “me” time – even if I do plan to spend it working.

This is the first year I will have both kids in school {even if it’s just a few hours a week}, and quite honestly I’m a bit teary eyed about it. But, I know it’s so good for both kids to be with kids their own age and learn with their peers that it’s hard to be too sad about it. For that reason, I’m saying TGIBTS {Thank Goodness It’s Back to School}. Fruit of the Loom school suppliesOne of the things I’m most excited about is the fact that I get to go school shopping. I’m using back to school shopping as a great motivator for purging the old so I can make room for all their new must-haves, and I’m loving it. Anything with holes or worn spots is gone, anything that is outgrown or doesn’t fit quite right is donated, and anything that just isn’t getting the love that it should is passed down to someone who can truly appreciate it. Back to School Fruit of the LoomIn doing that, I have started from the top drawer and am working my way down. That means all those well worn, mismatched, and outgrown socks and undergarments are being purged first and I’m finding that we desperately need to restock before the new school year. Thank goodness Fruit of the Loom has us covered!

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Back to School shopping with Northgate Mall in Seattle

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Can you believe fall is just around the corner? It seems like just last week I was walking the kids to and from school each day, packing lunches, and taking them to and from extra curricular activities, but here we are again ready to start a new school year. While I don't love the idea of summer ending and sending my kids to school, I do really love going back to school shopping.

Northgate-mall-03Last week we headed out to Northgate Mall in Seattle to shop our favorite stores and check out all the new stores they have added this summer. With great clothing and gear for all ages, it just makes shopping for everyone so easy.

It truly is a one-stop shop, which is why it's one of our absolute favorite places to shop. And, with back to school sales signs in nearly every window, now is a great time to hit the mall! Back to school sales at Northgate

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Work on the go made easy with a Free T Mobile 4G Data Plan for Life

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. #CollectiveBias and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.

When many people think of work from home, they have images of working from anywhere but an office – whether that’s a park, a beach, the pool, or even while on vacation. The reality is that cords and Wi-Fi don’t reach that far, and some days I feel like I'm tied to my computer since it's so hard to do some tasks over smartphone. Thank goodness I found out about T Mobile free tablet data that solves the problem of working on the go, without requiring a separate Wi-Fi device or easy access to coffee shops. Welcome to my office

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Skip the shopping trip with the new Walmart mobile app

Sponsored post basic disclosureP&G delivered to your doorDid you know that Walmart has a mobile app? Not only can you comparison shop and find great deals, you can also order now directly from your phone, making stocking up on home essentials easy and convenient. The image above might be a *slight* exaggeration, because the products came packaged in cardboard boxes, but the point is that I didn’t even have to leave home to get all my essentials.

Because this is what a normal shopping trip with my little jokesters looks like: Kids in the Bounty displayWho doesn’t want to hang out in a fort made from Bounty Select-A-Size paper towels?

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Find your perfect fit for summer at {with coupon code}

I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”Figleaves bathing suitI hate shopping for swimsuits with a passion. Sometimes it feels like there is absolutely nothing in between skimpy bikinis and swimsuits with layers and layers of fabric. I’ve worn both in the past, and while they both have their pluses they are just not right for me right now.

With small kids that I’m bending over to help, lifting, and swimming with, I need something I don’t have to mess with, tug at, or worry is showing too much. And, if it could also be stylish, that would be awesome, too.

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Mother’s Day: A day for mom to Indulge at Northgate Mall in Seattle

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We go to a lot of events at Northgate Mall in Seattle, our local Simon Mall. We’ve been to story time, to Girls Night Out events, to an event with live bunnies and goats for the kids to hold, to holiday events, and even to Seahawks events, but the one event I look forward to all year long is the Mother’s Day event.

If you’ve never been to a Northgate event, then you’re probably picturing a few tables running down the middle of the mall selling you siding and giving you pamphlets about having parties in your home. I know that’s what I was picturing the first few times I saw a note on Facebook about one of Northgate’s parties. But, since we had a mall trip planned anyway, I figured I would swing by the event at some point while we were there to check it out. And, I’m oh so glad we did. Girls day at Northgate MallSince that day, we’ve gotten our faces painted, got free henna tattoos, colored our hair pink and green and blue {but not all at the same time} and we’ve been introduced to so many companies and services in the Northgate Mall and surrounding areas.

I’ve now learned something very important: When Northgate throws a party, you should show up.

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Spin into Spring with TwirlyGirl dresses and skirts {with coupon code}

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My daughter will only wear dresses. Not shorts, not pants, not even skirts most days. All she wants is dresses. She’s clearly a little fashionista, but even with her eye for fashion, she won’t compromise with clothing that is uncomfortable and isn’t fun and girly. So, of course she fell in love with TwirlyGirl when she saw they carried cute dresses for girls like these, which just so happened to speak to her fashion side as well as her inner dancer.  
TwirlyGirl dressesWhen I was growing up, my sister and I had a special spot in our closet where we kept dresses that were “spinny” {AKA cut so that they flare out when you spin}. Those dresses were the ones we returned to over and over again and I can still vividly remember the details in both dresses. Sadly, we only ever owned two of these dresses as spinny dresses are hard to come by. Apparently, boring and flat is the norm for clothing.

But, once I saw TwirlyGirl, I realized I was looking at what I would have designed back when I was a girl, you know, if I was any good at designing. Oh, what we would have given to have a dress from TwirlyGirl, a company designed to make cute dresses for girls that would put all of our spinny dresses to shame.Twirly Girl dress

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