Tea Collection Mix and Match Clothing {Review}

You may remember a few weeks ago when I found Tea Collection and fell in love with their line of baby clothing and separates for kids and women.  Just recently, we were thrilled when we got to check out a few pieces in person and were incredibly impressed with their quality throughout.    I had told … Read more

The Perfect Nursing Bra from Bravado Designs

One of the most difficult challenges in any woman’s life is finding a good bra.  If this isn’t the case for you, I envy your ability to fit into those predetermined sizes.  Although bras for any purpose can be impossible to find, a nursing bra is even more so because there is so much that … Read more

Dirt Devils are Red, Violets are Blue…

…if you're still looking for something for hubby, I think this will do! What comes in a shiny red package that is all ready for the day of love?  Why Dirt Devil, naturally.  Since most of us are thinking practical this year, it makes sense to get your honey something that can be used all … Read more

Whiten your Teeth in 15 days with Whitening Lightning

I resolve to… take some time for me It’s that time of year again, when the whole year is full of promise and everyone is thinking of accomplishing great things.  Should I run that 5k?  Should I learn German?  Maybe, but something I can start today is taking a little bit of time for myself.  … Read more

Fresh Produce Clothing Review

How many of you are already dreaming of beaches, vacations and sun, sun, sun?  With half of the country facing a huge record-breaking snow storm, I’m sure just about all of you are.  Yep, it's that time.  Time to plan a vacation somewhere warm.  With a beach, please.  If you’re thinking beach and starting to … Read more

Dremel Cordless Multi-Max Oscillating Kit

I resolve to… get my husband the tools to tackle household repairs My husband is a Dremel guy through and through and has been known to use a Dremel for work, household repairs, and even for helping me with craft projects.  In fact, when I first met him he was only 18 years old, but … Read more

Rösle Garlic Press

I resolve to… buy quality cooking gadgets (…and thus cook more) A few years ago my husband and I decided that since we couldn’t go out to a fancy Valentine’s Day dinner, the next best thing would be to cook something special at home.  We came up with the idea for each of us to … Read more

Emile Henry Flame Top Tagine

I resolve to… get creative in the kitchen One thing our family absolutely loves is traveling, and while traveling we love to try new and exciting foods that are popular where we are.  It’s always fun to try something new and authentic and the best part is, whether it’s good or bad, you at least … Read more

Lovable Labels Friendship Packs for you and your Valentine

It's no secret that kids love to see their own names, which is why my siblings and I were known for hand presonalizing a variety of other people's belongings growing up.  Maybe this stems from the fact that there were 5 of us and we were always bickering over whose stuff was whose whenever the … Read more

Raves Faves {2010 Edition}

Okay, I know most top 10 lists are done at the end of December to recap the year and January 16th is a bit late to be debuting our wrap up, but this list was the product of a very heated debate that took two weeks to finalize.  It started as a discussion of what … Read more