Peter Pan Diamond Edition on Blu-ray Combo Pack arrives on 2/5

A few years ago, I got burned by the Disney Vault.  My sister and hubby and I were working on a Peter Pan themed “Neverland” mural on our play wall and we needed an aerial image of the island to work off of.  The problem was that after 6 book stores, we could find exactly one picture of Neverland as a whole, and it was the background of the table of contents page so it was hard to see much of anything.

While we ended up just finishing up the mural using a very loose representation of Neverland, I would have loved to have a copy of Peter Pan to pop in so we could merely pause it over the aerial view.  More than that though, I would have loved to get into the spirit of Neverland by watching the film as we painted, but unfortunately, it was locked away in the Disney Vault.

You’d think with a pirate-themed play area like this, that my kiddos would be all about Peter Pan, right?  Ironically, they had never seen the movie and didn’t understand just how cool their little “scrog pit”* is.

Scrog Pit Door Open
Luckily, Peter Pan has recently come out of the vault to celebrate his 60th anniversary, and has been restored in high definition just in time for my kiddos to really appreciate it.  We got to check out the new Peter Pan Diamond Edition Blu-ray Combo Pack and it was a very big hit.  The timing of the film arriving was perfect as it’s been cold and rainy for almost a week now and we really needed to snuggle up and have a family movie night.     
