Oz The Great And Powerful – in theaters today {Review}

Earlier this week, I took a trip to the Emerald City {AKA Seattle} to see a prescreening of Disney’s Oz The Great And Powerful in 3D.  After years of anticipation followed by months of checking out every trailer, poster, and interactive feature for the new Wizard of Oz film, I was a bit worried it would be somewhat of a let-down after all the hype.

Oz the great and powerful
But, as it turns out, the power of Oz to enchant knows no bounds.   I think every single person in the packed theater that night was equally transfixed as we were transported back to the land of Oz in a time before Dorothy and her cohorts, before houses flew through the air, and even before the Wizard himself made Oz his home. 

Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph is in stores now!

Enter the world of video games where every character has a specific job that they do and good guys and bad guys are pre-scripted.  This is the world of Ralph, who has begrudgingly played the bad guy in his popular video game, Wreck-It Ralph, for decades. 

But, when he isn’t invited to the game’s anniversary party where Fix-it Felix Jr. is being honored as the star of the game, Ralph sets off on a mission to show everyone that he’s simply misunderstood.  His journey takes him into the taboo world of arcade game-hopping where he tries his best to prove himself to be a true hero at heart while learning the ropes of each new game.

Shenanigans and hijinx ensue when Ralph leaves his pre-scripted life for one of adventure and unknowns.  Along the way he meets new friends and new predicaments that teach him that his role in his game is vital, and that even “bad guys” can have a big heart.

WreckItRalph Box Art