FlipFlop Wines {They’re Flippin’ Good}
I’ve always been intrigued by the wine section of our local stores, but I find shopping for wine rather intimidating. Whenever it was my job to pick a bottle for…
Anamalz Eco-Friendly Wooden Animals
Have you seen anamalz before? We ran across these adorable bendable animals a few months back in a specialty store near us and were immediately smitten. As cute as they…
Create Your Own Fairy Garden with Plow & Hearth
Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 20 Everyone that knows me understands my deep love of everything miniature. While I was hoping my daughter would take an interest in…
Milk Nursingwear
Have you shopped for nursing wear recently? I have breastfed babies for 26 months in total and during that time I have owned exactly one cute nursing top. One. In…
Happy Summer Solstice!
It's {finally} summer! Can I get a woo hoo? Seriously, Washington was dealt the worst. spring. ever. As in a snowy spring. As in record rainfall. Bleh! I really couldn't…
How to Create a Hanging Garden
Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 19 For the past four summers I have been cultivating a small, urban vegetable garden in our backyard. The challenge was how to…
phil & teds Metro Backpack Carrier: Father’s Day Pick
Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 18 The more I learn about Phil&Teds, the more I covet every single item they make. From the moment I started thinking babies,…
Béaba Bib’expresso All-in-One Super Cool Feeding Gadget
I was really lucky and was able to breastfeed my first child for 16 months before switching to bottles, but my second take at breastfeeding hasn’t quite panned out like…
Real Tools for Kids from Red Toolbox: Father’s Day Pick
Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 17 When I first found out I was pregnant, all I could think about was little itty bitty cuteness. But, while I was…
Milkies Milk-Savers for Breastfeeding Moms
Whoever said there's no use crying over spilled milk was not a breastfeeding mother. If you're referring to a bottle of breastmilk that was lovingly pumped that was then spilled,…