BRAVE: A New Disney Princess
For months I have been dying to see the new DisneyPixar movie, Brave, and have been counting down the days until I could take my daughter to see the film. Of course, we were thrilled when we got a chance to see a 3D prescreening in Seattle last week, a few days before it was released in theaters.
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock {or rather, away from screens of any kind}, you’ve probably seen the previews of the film a few hundred times. Likely, you’ve noticed the heroine’s striking red hair and signature bow and arrow, as well as the amazing animation DisneyPixar is known for.
Handmade Cute from Cate & Levi
Last year at the ABC Kids Expo, I got to meet the amazing dad behind the Cate & Levi brand. If you aren’t familiar with the company, you definitely should…
JumpSport Elite Trampoline {Review}
Fun fact: just like blowing bubbles or skipping through a park, I firmly believe it is impossible to jump and bounce on a trampoline without smiling. While I don’t have any scientific proof this is true, I remain 100% convinced this is a fact and could show you hundreds of pictures of us bouncing on our JumpSport Trampoline over the last few weeks as “evidence”. Just the thought of someone frowning and grumpy on a trampoline makes me laugh.
As for me, I think I have a genetic disposition that causes me to giggle uncontrollably as soon as I set foot on our JumpSport trampoline. I say this is genetic, because every single person with a blood relation to me has the same trait, including my siblings, cousins, and my two adorable kiddos. Maybe this is why they beg to bounce daily and why we’ve spent most of our summer thus far on our trampoline.
A Special Delivery from JC Toys Dolls
Ever since I was pregnant with my son in 2010, my then two year old daughter has insisted that she had a baby in her belly as well. As a…
Terminix ALLCLEAR Mosquito Mister Lantern with Naturals {Review}
Get Out and PLAY Event – Father's Day Outside Recently our backyard has gotten pretty awesome. With the addition of the 12’ JumpSport Trampoline and our awesome new Kenmore gas…
Danze 3-Function Water Sense Showerhead
When was the last time you thought about your showerhead? For me, it was back in 2007 when I made the decision to let our builder choose our fixtures because…
Operation Sears for Father’s Day was a Huge Success #GrillingIsHappiness
My husband is truly awesome. He works long hours, comes home happy to his adoring children, and puts up with me and my crazy antics, DIY projects, and my refusal…
MAM Baby Oral Care Collection {Review & $2 Off Coupon}
We’ve talked before about how much we adore MAM Baby – their pacifiers, their bottles, and pretty much everything they make. In fact, we even wrote a love letter to…
PNW Bloggers Are Awesome: AKA the Portland PNW Meetup
Sometimes it's not appropriate to brag about who you know. Thank goodness this is not one of those times, because then I would miss out on telling you about the a-mazing event Chelsey, AKA The Paper Mama, threw this weekend that had me in a room with 50 of my most favorite PNW bloggers.
Like, Mandy {Harper's Happenings}, Heather {Joy of all Crafts}, Gretchen {That Mama Gretchen}, etc etc etc…
Sony Handycam {Review}
Do you remember when video cameras came in a suitcase? Not much smaller than the film cameras used in Hollywood, video cameras of the 80s required a strong shoulder to…