A Special Delivery from JC Toys Dolls

Ever since I was pregnant with my son in 2010, my then two year old daughter has insisted that she had a baby in her belly as well.  As a result, we’ve talked a whole lot about newborns.  Then, when my sister was pregnant and recently had my newborn nephew, it became a very hot topic at our house again. 

Throughout the months my daughter has “had” more babies than I’ve kept track of, to the point that we cut her off and told her she absolutely could not, should not have any more babies.  While I have no doubt that she would love a real baby in the house again, it’s not in the cards for right now even if our four year old would really, really like it. 

So, with the help of JC Toys, we did the next best thing and let her have one last “baby”.  For days we talked about what it was like having a baby in your belly, feeling it kick and move while watching your belly grow.  We also talked about what she wanted to name her baby, we set up a “nursery”, and we prepped as if a real baby were coming to stay with us.  And a few days later, we were ready for her baby, Amy, from the JC Toys 14" La Newborn line to arrive.

Baby kisses

Seeing as how my daughter thought we were just playing one of our many games of make believe, it’s really no surprise that she was beyond excited when she realized she was getting a “real” baby, complete with knitted outfit, booties, and birth certificate.  She didn’t mind at all that Amy was only a doll; from the moment she laid eyes on her she has acted as a real mother with a newborn baby.

Maybe that’s because Amy isn’t just a doll, she’s about as close to a real newborn as you can possibly get.  Really, just look at the detail in her face alone. 

Sweet Babies

But, not only does she look remarkably like a real baby, her all-vinyl body also weighs and feels incredibly life-like.  Maybe that’s why we spend our days swaddling her, diapering her, singing to her, and rocking her as if she was a real baby.  Honestly, there are times I look at my daughter with her and wonder if she doesn’t partially believe that she is real. 

Bed Babies

For instance, my daughter never, ever sets her in a toy box or even on the shelf with the other dolls when she sleeps, Amy is a co-sleeping baby. When my daughter is awake, Amy is either in her arms or she is in the bouncy chair, her backpack carrier, her canopied cradle, or the high chair – just like a real baby.

Backpack babies

As cute as it is to watch my daughter do the “baby bounce” that every parent knows so well, what’s even cuter is overhearing the adorably precious things she says to her while rocking, bouncing, or snuggling. Things like “I’m so glad you’re my special baby” or “I love you more than you will ever know.”

Yep, I’m a proud grandma. 

Since Amy has arrived, we’ve had so many great discussions about how to care for babies, nurture them, and to help them learn and grow, and I really think she’s taking it all to heart. I’ve noticed that she’s been so much more nurturing in general, which I love.  Whether it’s with her little cousin or her brother {who can sometimes be an adorable little pest}, she seems to understand better about caring for others and empathy.

Bath babies

If you have a little doll fanatic like I do, this is the perfect time to surprise her with her own brand new baby from JC Toys.  Because their La Newborn dolls are all vinyl, there is virtually nowhere you can’t take them this summer.  Case in point: our little Amy has been on vacation with us, in the water with the kids, and over and over again she has proven to be a great road trip partner because she’s hours of interactive fun for the little ones. 

With so many adorable babies to choose from in the JC Toys doll line, you are bound to find that special baby for your little one, too.  You can start by choosing your style of doll you’re looking for {which ranges from cutesy to classic} and whether you would like an anatomically correct boy doll or a girl doll, and then from there you can even choose your expression, your accessories, and more so you can bring home the perfect baby. 

We spent hours {and hours} looking at all the JC Toys dolls adorable little faces online and finally decided on one that resembled my daughter as an infant and seemed to match her personality.  And now because Amy has been such a huge hit, we also have plans to do the same for my son so he can have his own special baby to care for all summer long.  I foresee a whole lot of fun with JC Toys in our future!

Leanne Signature 2A big thank you to JC Toys for sending a baby for the purposes of this review as well as offering a giveaway to our fabulous readers. All opinions are 100% ours and no form of monetary compensation was received in exchange for this Rave Review.

275 thoughts on “A Special Delivery from JC Toys Dolls”

  1. I learned that the Special Edition line is tailored for the collectors who seek great detail and quality from their dolls.

  2. I just had to say the story touched my heart. I run a non profit called Molly’s Babies Inc. and what we do is give little girls and boys babies to hold and care for. we have given only a few of these doll’s to little girls. and from the parents comments they just love there babies..

  3. http://www.facebook.com/Bloggity.Blog/posts/431287320226727
    Not sure how to tag, then what to do with it. But did the rest. I follow you on RSS and e-mail,Pin it, twitter, I learned of this fantastic doll through your e-mail to me. I love it. My twin Niece loves dolls . Never seen one like this. Your daughter is so cute:) I applaud you on getting your son one when he gets a little older..Boys actually like babies too!!!! Our world has at least changed a lot on that subject. Thanks for the chnace… My E-mail:

  4. the Special Edition line is tailored for the collectors who seek great detail and quality from their dolls.

  5. I learned you can order a birth certificate for these dolls, which is good, because my daughter just ordered one!

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