My First Crayola art supplies

I think it’s good for kids to get messy. I wholeheartedly encourage my kids to dig in the dirt, cover their hands with paint, and generally make messes. But, while…

Happy Mother’s Day!

Tonight at a party, I spoke to a number of mothers and we discussed our children.  Some had newly empty nests, others had just welcomed their first child, some were…

Albertsons Big Huge Baby Basket

I go to Albertsons more often than I’d like to admit.  Because it is walking distance from my daughter’s preschool and has a Starbucks conveniently located inside, there are many…

Get Out and Play with Step2

Recently, a big huge Step2 box containing the brand new Panda Climber landed on our doorstep. My daughter saw the box and asked incredulously, “Is that a playground for us?”…