Our Week In The Future {Kia Optima Hybrid Review}
by Tyler, editor and reviewer Last week I was spoiled by STI – The Drive Experience Company. While I am currently driving the newest car I have ever owned {a…
Capturing memories with the Sony Handycam
Everyone always says it, but I just don’t think you understand it until becoming a parent: time passes much too fast. Even though my kids are still young, there’s been so many times my husband and I would turn to each other and say “do you remember how Bubs used to say _____?” or “what park was that where he took his first steps?”
My mom holding my son when he was firstborn
I can only imagine this gets exponentially more difficult to remember the older they get and there are so many more milestones to keep track of. While I’ve tried to keep up with their baby books and journals, I oftentimes wish we had caught that adorable expression or pronunciation on video so we could watch it over and over and relive all those moments that pass too quick.
Thomas & Friends Toddler Swing {Review}
My kiddos love swingsets and could swing all day long if I let them. Whenever we go to the park, we spend 90% of the time on the swings, and…
Creating an Outdoor Oasis with World Market {DIY Outdoor Curtains and Rod}
Part of the reason that we fell in love with our house was because it included a large covered porch with high ceilings and a place to sit and talk. …
Lazoo Children’s Line Introduces New App
I’ve always had a thing for rubber rain boots. Not only are they totally practical for our rainy spring and fall here in the Northwest, they are also adorable on…
Celebrating National Camera Day with TCBY
Did you know that June 29th was National Camera Day? Me, either. Thank goodness TCBY Frozen Yogurt let me know, because celebrating National Camera Day with TCBY in hand was…
Seattle Loves McKenna, the 2012 American Girl Doll Of The Year
Last year we were celebrating the opening of the new Seattle American Girl store, which just so happens to be minutes from our home. This year, we’re celebrating another AG…
Tegu Launches New Explorer and Endeavor Sets
If you’ve been reading around here a bit, you probably already know that we love Tegu blocks. But, while some loves fade after the initial honeymoon stage, our love for…
Note to self: No one wears hoodies to BlogHer
You’re not going to believe this, but in my past life I was *almost* fashionable. While I wasn’t someone who tried all the fads and fashions, I at least kept…
Fueling Imaginations with the HABA Pirate’s Treasure Play Tent {Review}
Feast your eyes on this gorgeous-ness. These are the Caro-Lini and Pirate's Treasure Play Tents from HABA and they are even cuter in person than online. Hard to believe, right? …