My matching girls were comfortable and cute while traveling this spring. When we are traveling, I like to dress them in clothing that is comfortable to play in, sleep in, and can be layered for warmth. During the day, they took off the leggings to wade in the water looking for fresh water clams, and later in the afternoon when the wind picked up, we added light coats and the outfit easily went from day to night.
Where we were
Where we were: Sunday in Fremont
Fremont is one of my favorite places on earth, and it was so great too get back there now that spring has officially sprung. We love walking along the Burke-Gilman trail and watching the boats go by, seeing the draw bridge go up and down, and picking wildflowers to add to any bouquets we buy … Read more
Matching Girls Monday: vacation style
Where we were: Skagit Valley Tulip Festival
Matching Girls Monday: Cherry Blossoms at University of Washington in Seattle
I'm sharing my favorite matching girls outfit of the week, taken at one of my favorite places. We visited the cherry blossoms at the University of Washington last week to take our annual pictures. It was pretty crowded {it always is}, but we were able to find a break in the crowds to snap some shots.As a special bonus, my son and I are both joining in on the fun this week. My girls are wearing the Peek Feather Top with yellow sweaters from Hanna Andersson. My dress is from Target, my leggings/tights are from Yummie Tummie, and my boots are Born Shoes. My son is wearing an OshKosh flannel.
30+ fun things to do in Boston with kids
During our recent trip to Boston, we covered a whole lot of ground each day. We’re not lazy travelers, and we’re encouraging our kids to travel at the same pace we do. For the most part, they are amazing travelers, but we do take into account their interests when planning our trip to include attractions they most want to see. This makes it so they are as invested as we are in seeing all that we can so they can cross off their must-do list.
If you’re working on a Boston list with your child, here are some great Boston destinations, activities, and ideas for exploring that kids will love. We’ve added links wherever possible to make it even easier for you to plan your trip.
30+ fun things to do in Boston with kids:
10 winter activities for families in Mt Hood, Oregon
The south slope of Mt. Hood is home to Government Camp, a gorgeous alpine village at an elevation of 4,000 feet. The average snowfall is close to 300 inches which gives you a great chance to enjoy some fun, snowy weather activities for a day or two, or you can plan a longer stay and enjoy all that Mt. Hood, Oregon has to offer.
Here are 10 of our favorite things to do in Government Camp that are kid-approved and fun for families:
Where we were: Government Camp, Oregon
Last week, my family was in a whirl of activity. We had the 2017 Mitsubishi Outlander all loaded with snow gear, swimming suits, and all the clothes, luggage, and gear a family of 5 requires. We were all heading out for a media trip in Hood River, Oregon when we got the bad news: our press trip was cancelled because the highways to Hood River were all closed. We debated for a bit on what we should do and whether we should just scrap the whole trip and head to work and school, but the kids were devastated that their "snow trip" was cancelled. Plus, it's a whole lot of work to pack for so many people and plan an adventure.
Where we were: Boston, Massachusetts
This winter, I got invited on a luxurious-sounding press trip to a winery in California, alone with my husband where we could relax and unwind from our hectic life. And, I almost went.
But, instead we packed up the kiddos and their million pounds of gear and hopped on a cross country flight to Boston. Once in Boston, we did without a fancy hotel and we crashed in the living room of a cousin who clearly didn’t know what he was getting into offering 5 people a place to stay and disrupt his life. Once we fully shook up their house and their lives, we then went all day long with four kids on very few hours of sleep trying to cram in all the sights, sounds, and history of the city together. And, honestly, it was the perfect choice for us.
You see, we’re kind of warrior travelers. We do overnight flights with infants, long international jaunts with layovers, and we do packed days and short nights. It’s just the way we travel, and it’s now how our kids are used to seeing the world.
20+ kid-friendly activities in Olympic National Park {and 20+ tips to make the most of your stay}
Can you believe that I’ve lived in the Pacific Northwest almost my entire life, yet I had never been to Olympic National Park? We travel a lot as a family, but somehow the National Park just hadn’t made it on our radar until earlier this year when our oldest got excited about rain forests and we realized how overdue we were for a trip to ONP.
For this past Father’s Day weekend, we decided to do a somewhat last-minute trip to the peninsula so we could explore the Olympic National Park as a family and finally see what we’ve been missing. It turns out we’ve been missing a lot.
For one, there are actually 4 parks in one in Olympic National Park. From glacier-covered peaks, gorgeous lakes, miles and miles of Pacific Ocean beaches, old growth forests, waterfalls, hot springs, and ancient rain forests, there truly is something for everyone.
21+ things to do with kids in Olympic National Park