It’s just after noon on a beautiful August day and I’m traipsing through countryside, photographing cows, taking in the beautiful scenery, enjoying the company of some of my favorite local bloggers, and feeling at one with nature in so many ways. Thanks to Darigold, I’m getting my first real introduction to farm life while learning about the innermost workings of a family-run dairy farm at Coldstream Farms in Deming, Washington, and honestly, it’s just a lot more nature than I’m used to. But, in some ways it oddly feels like home.
Anyone who knows me is laughing really hard because no one has ever mistaken me for someone who was cut out for farming. Urban farming even sometimes seems like too much work for me, so when you add in the fact that I’m notoriously squeamish and I prefer to not get dirty, it is abundantly clear that farm life was really never in the cards for me.
Embrace the magic with Pete’s Dragon – in theaters this week
When I think of my own childhood, I definitely wouldn’t describe it as magical. Sure, it was a good childhood, and I have some really awesome memories, but it was always rooted in reality. Since I was the fourth of five children, it meant that if the older siblings figured out something, I did to. I honestly never remember believing in Santa, in fairies {tooth or otherwise}, or anything else that would be described as magical, and I knew that there were some serious limitations to our finances that meant sometimes we went without.
In parenting my own children now, I’m experiencing the magic of childhood through them. And, I’m always surprised by how that magic really makes everything more fun. It’s not that I now believe in Santa or fairies or that I don’t worry about finances anymore, but there is something really amazing about watching the magic of childhood right in front of you, and it makes me long for that type of magic in my everyday life. So, when choosing films, TV shows, and books to read with my kids, I always struggle with the balance between reality and fantasy. I figure they have their whole lives to explore reality, so while they are young I am very much enjoying exploring fantasy with them in ways I never did as a child. But, because I’m an adult, over-the-top fantasy and make believe is hard to get into, so this means walking a fine line between the two worlds and finding things we can all enjoy together.
Since my son is obsessed with dragons and both kids love magic and adventure, I knew they would be thrilled to see “Pete’s Dragon” at the Seattle media preview. But, even though I knew the kids would love it, I honestly wasn’t expecting that much from the film. Maybe this is because I was picturing a very cartoonish dragon based on the quick previews I had seen, and I was thinking it was going to be one of the movies that leaned too far toward fantasy for my liking.
20+ kid-friendly activities in Olympic National Park {and 20+ tips to make the most of your stay}
Can you believe that I’ve lived in the Pacific Northwest almost my entire life, yet I had never been to Olympic National Park? We travel a lot as a family, but somehow the National Park just hadn’t made it on our radar until earlier this year when our oldest got excited about rain forests and we realized how overdue we were for a trip to ONP.
For this past Father’s Day weekend, we decided to do a somewhat last-minute trip to the peninsula so we could explore the Olympic National Park as a family and finally see what we’ve been missing. It turns out we’ve been missing a lot.
For one, there are actually 4 parks in one in Olympic National Park. From glacier-covered peaks, gorgeous lakes, miles and miles of Pacific Ocean beaches, old growth forests, waterfalls, hot springs, and ancient rain forests, there truly is something for everyone.
21+ things to do with kids in Olympic National Park
Gearing up for a safe and fun summer with SafeSplash Swim School
I’m sure you’ve seen all the articles circulating about drowning, and how it doesn’t look like what you think it does. I saw an article about the dangers of drowning a few years ago and promptly purchased some life jackets for all the kiddos because there is no way I can keep them out of the water when we spend our summers at lakes, rivers, pools, and beaches.
So, for the past few years they have been safe, yes, but unfortunately they haven’t gained any actual swimming skills. I knew I needed to get them out of their jackets and was thrilled when I heard about SafeSplash, a company that believes swimming is a life skill. I love this concept and I couldn’t agree more about the importance of learning swim skills.
Find the perfect gift for Dad from Cloud 9 Living – from helicopters and fighter pilots to wine tastings and golf {$20 off code}
At this point in my life, I’m pretty hard to shop for. While I love getting new things just like everyone else, I just don’t actually need much anymore. I’m not hard on my clothes, I’m not growing out of anything, and I haven’t picked up any new hobbies so I don’t have many gear … Read more
Marvel’s CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR is now in theatres everywhere
Earlier this week, I got to attend the pre-screening of CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR at the Seattle Science Center IMAX theatre, and it was amazing. That may seem like an canned response because at this point we’re all pretty familiar with how superhero movies work, and I always appreciate a good Marvel film. But, with … Read more
Seattle date night: Sherlock Holmes and The American Problem now through May 22nd
Tonight we used one of our rare nights out to see a production at The Seattle Repertory Theatre that I’ve been looking forward to for months. Admittedly, we don’t make it to the theatre as often as we used to now that we have young kiddos, but I knew this one was one we couldn’t miss.
I mean, c’mon, it is Victorian England meets the American Wild West in R. Hamilton Wright's highly anticipated Sherlock Holmes and The American Problem. How could you go wrong with that?
Seattle: Macy’s Alderwood prom fashion show and shopping party – Saturday, April 2nd
“This post is sponsored by Everywhere Agency on behalf of Macy’s; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.“ It was almost a year ago that I was talking with my teenage niece and I realized I was old. Not just a little old, but straight-up OLD. So, what made me feel so old? … Read more
Spring shopping at Northgate Mall in Seattle
So, Easter in Seattle was cold and rainy, like usual. But, we didn’t mind because our rain plan was actually our only plan: The Northgate Mall EGGcellent Easter Party for Kidgits members. But, that won’t be a surprise to anyone that knows us, since Northgate Mall is pretty much our holiday go-to plan if we aren’t seeing family.
This past weekend the mall was all done up for Easter for their EGGcellent Easter Party, and as usual, it did not disappoint. There was face painting, treats to snack on, robotics to marvel over, crafts to construct, and even live bunnies to hold. We checked in at the Kidgits Club desk and showed our membership cards to get little goodie bags for the kiddos, and then we headed over to take our annual pictures with the Easter Bunny before we visited the booths. Here’s one of my favorite shots from our Bunny Photo Experience:
Seattle Day Trip: Anacortes, WA
Sometimes I get so involved in the day to day that I forget to really see the beauty that’s around me. And then sometimes the kids and I are on a walk and I take a minute to look around and I see the morning fog creating a mist through the trees surrounding us. It’s times like this that I absolutely love living in the Puget Sound with forests everywhere and surrounded by water and island towns.