So, Easter in Seattle was cold and rainy, like usual. But, we didn’t mind because our rain plan was actually our only plan: The Northgate Mall EGGcellent Easter Party for Kidgits members. But, that won’t be a surprise to anyone that knows us, since Northgate Mall is pretty much our holiday go-to plan if we aren’t seeing family.
This past weekend the mall was all done up for Easter for their EGGcellent Easter Party, and as usual, it did not disappoint. There was face painting, treats to snack on, robotics to marvel over, crafts to construct, and even live bunnies to hold. We checked in at the Kidgits Club desk and showed our membership cards to get little goodie bags for the kiddos, and then we headed over to take our annual pictures with the Easter Bunny before we visited the booths. Here’s one of my favorite shots from our Bunny Photo Experience:
During the event we heard so many people come over and ask about Kidgits Club membership and wondering if they should join, and numerous times we shared how much we love the program and how happy we are to be members. Basically, if your kids aren’t Kidgits Kid Club members, they should be. Never heard of the Kidgits Club before? The Kidgits Club is a kids group at Simon Malls nationwide that offers discounts, special prizes, and events throughout the year. Northgate Mall is our local Simon Mall, and they have the BEST Kidgits Club program. Seriously, there isn’t a holiday that goes by that the kids don’t specifically ask when we’re going to the Northgate Mall party.
And, now is the best time to join the Kidgits Club because new for 2016 membership is now free! It used to be a screaming deal before because membership got you in to all of Northgate Mall’s many kid-friendly events as well as discounts while shopping and dining, but now it’s free. You hear me? FREE membership, FREE events, FREE perks throughout the mall, and a great way to have fun indoors FREE. Just sign your child up at the mall management office or at any Kidgits event and enjoy the perks.
Want to know what else is free at Northgate Mall? Valet parking! Don’t worry when you see some of the existing parking spaces under construction because there is complimentary valet parking now available 7 days a week during normal mall hours. Just drive on up to the valet station located on the West side of the mall in front of Mama Stortini’s and the RAM Restaurant and let the mall valet take care of the rest. Everyone knows that navigating parking lots with kids is the worst, so let yourself relax and enjoy your shopping experience like a true VIP with curbside service.
And, when it’s raining again as Seattle does in the spring? That valet service is going to be the best thing, EVER.
Deal alert! Do you shop at Aeropostale, Bath & Body Works, Foot Locker or Sephora? Buy $100 worth of Giftcards for any of them at the Northgate Mall Office and get $5 off your entire order! Find out more here.
Want to know more about Northgate Mall? Head over to and read up on deals, new stores, and upcoming events at Northgate. And, mark your calendars now for their Mother’s Day Indulge event. If you haven’t been to their Indulge events, you absolutely should attend. We’ve attended the past 3 years with friends and family and it is our favorite of the year every time!
I love Northgate Mall and can’t wait for the Mothers Day event!