10 insider tips for Beaches Resort Villages & Spa Turks & Caicos with small children

Beaches sunset
Sponsored postAfter visiting Beaches Turks & Caicos two years in a row with little kids, we like to consider ourselves experts of sorts. The first year we were just figuring out the ropes and crossing our fingers that we fit everything in that we were hoping to do, but this second year, we went in with a plan of attack and made it happen. FDSC00893While I could go on and on about all the things you can see and do with kids at Beaches Turks & Caicos, this list is just a starting point.

Here are just some of our tips for how to make the most of the trip with young kids:

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Connected cars of the future with AT&T – and a Wi-Fi device for the rest of us

Sponsored postBy Tyler, editor and reviewer

I’m going to date myself here, but I remember when the coolest new thing in car technology was automatic windows. Now cars are just a series of connected computers that have built in screens and navigation, satellite radios, safety features to protect you from dangers you can’t even see, and cameras everywhere. It makes logical sense that the next step would be making these integrated computers connected so you could have Wi-Fi on the road, and that’s definitely the way things are headed.

Last week we checked out the latest and greatest in car tech as AT&T’s guest to the Seattle Auto show and what stands out the most is the connected car of the future. We got to take a spin in the 2016 Volvo XC90 and got to experience the awesomeness of a connected car firsthand. I’ve always been a Volvo fan, and this new model definitely did not disappoint. IMG_2694With a modern stylish exterior, gorgeous interior, comfortable seats and excellent visibilty, I was immediately impressed. Then after driving it and being surprised with the power delivery from the 2.0 liter 4 cylinder that runs on regular unleaded, and seeing how well all the connected features work, I decided I absolutely need to see about getting some extra time behind the wheel. IMG_2692


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Dress up with official NFL kid’s costume sets from Franklin Sports

Sponsored postAre you sick of the Halloween costumes made to last one night before they get abandoned? In my house, we won't even consider a costume unless we are sure the kids will use it for dress up even well after the pumpkins have been tossed. This means no cheapie costumes that will rip and fall apart after one use, we need stuff that is kid tough and made to be played in. Franklin Sports NFL costume
So, this year we're going with something we know the kids will wear every Friday and Sunday during football season as we cheer on the Seahawks, the Franklin Sports official NFL deluxe helmet with uniform. Definitely not a one night use item, these make for a fun-filled Halloween and a festive football season.NFL Deluxe Helmet and Uniform SetDesigned for game day as well as costume parties, we've already gotten good use out of our set and we've only had it a few days. Clearly, this is one costume that is definitely not going to be buried in the dress up bin or tossed after one night. Seahawks uniform
The set comes with a play helmet that looks just like the real thing, a team jersey, pants and iron-on number kit so you can customize with your favorite player's number. And, whether the kids wear it all together as it was intended or they mix and match so they can wear the jersey to school for Blue Friday, or the helmet with whatever Seahawks clothing they have in their closets, you can bet it's going to be a hit.

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5 minutes until dinner with the Black + Decker 5 Minute Pizza Oven & Snack Maker

Sponsored postLike most kids, my kids would eat pizza every day if I let them. Since the term “pizza” is so incredibly ambiguous, I typically make them a “pizza” variation of sorts every few weeks. Sometimes we make our own dough for crust, sometimes we use wheat pitas, English muffins, or pre-made crusts, and occasionally we get a frozen pizza as a treat. And, as varied as the crusts are, the toppings are even more so and they can change depending on our moods or what we have to get rid of in the fridge. Basically, as long as you call it pizza, it will get eaten.Pizza ovenFor us, a pizza oven actually makes a lot of sense because it allows us to take pizza to a whole new level. As soon as I saw the Black+Decker 5 Minute Pizza Oven & Snack Maker, I was already sold. I could take something that was already easy to make and make it even easier. 5 minutes to bake a fresh or frozen 12" pizza easy. That’s about the length of time I typically spend looking for matching shoes each morning. So, to make dinner in 5 minutes? Amazing, I tell you.

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Gearing up for fall with the Lumix G7

I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central for Panasonic. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation. Family heads
Like all good things, summer must come to an end sometime. While it’s only officially fall as of today, it’s easy to get in the mindset that summer is over as soon as school starts. I get it, trust me. As much as I love fall, I really don’t look forward to the back to school season. At all.

So, how was the first two weeks of school? It actually hasn’t been so bad because we still say it’s summer until the weather gets cold and the days get short. Even after school is back in session, we make a point to keep up with our summer activities as much as possible so we can enjoy the beautiful fall weather.

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Rain City Box – Seattle {and beyond} delivered right to your door

Sponsored postIt’s no secret that we’re big fans of the Pacific Northwest here at Rave & Review. Having grown up in the Seattle area, our whole lives are here and it’s the only place we can imagine calling home. We show our Pacific Northwest pride with hashtags, Seahawks gear, and our “we don’t care if it rains, we all have hoods” attitude, but if only there was some other way.

A way to buy local, show our PNW pride, and a way to keep our favorite local companies in business. Even better if all of this was in one place and could be delivered right to your doorstep. Seattle by ferryThat’s the mission behind the new Rain City Box. By working with Pacific Northwest vendors and artisans to share the taste, sights, and wares of this city we call home, Rain City Box makes it easy to order up some local pride, or gift it to other PNW fans.

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Two coffemakers in one: BLACK + DECKER Café Select Dual Brew Coffeemaker with Travel Mug

Sponsored postThe last time we owned a coffee pot was before we got married. It was a cheap model we got at a discount store specifically for guests that drank coffee because neither of us were big coffee drinkers at the time. That pot got used 3, maybe 4 times, and we ended up getting rid of it in favor of a single brew machine that we could use for making individual coffees.

Fast forward over a decade and we are now big coffee drinkers, but we still don’t own a coffee pot. Since we each get up at different times in the morning, we typically each make our own single serve brew each day so that neither of us get stuck with old coffee. Black and Decker k-cup coffee makerThis all works out great until we have a house full of people and we're making cup after cup of coffee. Then, single serve k-cups feel very wasteful… and pricey. We thought about buying a new pot for this purpose and in the end it just didn't make sense to store an extra coffeemaker that only got used when we have company.

If only there was a coffeemaker that could brew individual cups as well as carafe brewing…Black and Decker coffee maker small cup Well now there is thanks to the BLACK + DECKER Café Select Dual Brew Coffeemaker that brews full 12-cup carafes of coffee as well as single serve portions in 6 different sizes.

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Stress-free family photos with Portrait Innovations

Sponsored postIntroducing our new family portraits, thanks to Portrait Innovations. We got so many great shots that this is just one of many that we fell in love with. Portrait Innovations family picDo you have any idea how hard it is to get three young kids to look at the camera at the same time? If you happen to want all of them smiling, you're in for a very intense standoff and someone is bound to leave in tears.

This is the reason we've gotten exactly one photo of all of us looking and smiling in the past 6 months since our new baby arrived. It was taken spur of the moment when hanging out with my cousin when I set up the shot and just handed her the camera, and we just got lucky. After posting it on Facebook everyone had basically the same reaction: Better buy a lottery ticket with that kind of luck. Portrait Innovations big guy

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The perfect camera for all of our many adventures: the Lumix G7

I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central for Panasonic. I received product samples as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”Wish lanterns LumixIf you know us, you know we’re always on the go as a family. We pack in as much adventure as we can with the kiddos, and we are always down for vacations, day trips, and even just every day exploring. On these adventures, I have certain things that I must have at all times.

Aside from the essentials like water and food, another non-negotiable item is my camera. But, with 3 kids and all of their necessary gear, I can’t be saddled with camera stuff that needs its own luggage. I need a compact camera I can use, and then put away so I can enjoy these adventures without always being stuck with a camera in hand. Lumix first swimsuitBecause I have better things to carry. Like this little bundle of joy.

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Upgrade your walls with photo art from AdoramaPix

Sponsored postOh, AdoramaPix, where have you been my whole life? My walls have never been happier. Adorama happy wallsEver since I was little, I have loved photography and have taken way too many pictures. But the problem has always been getting those pictures printed. Back when film was my medium, I would save up money to get rolls of film developed at the drug store and whatever teenager that was on duty would process them, which was mostly awful. Then, once everything went digital, I would order prints either from kiosks or online, but either way, the quality was always subpar.

Other labs, pay attention. This is how you do it. AdoramaPix prints and art

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