Labyrinthitis: taking it easy, even if it kills me

It’s been this kind of week. Anyone who knows me knows how stir crazy I go staying home for long periods of time. Give me an order to stay in bed to recuperate, and I will fight you to regain my independence, even at the cost of my health. I just can’t do “take it … Read more

Let your little one follow their heart with Aeromax

Sponsored post Shoot for the moonWe tell kids to dream big all the time. We say that they can be whatever they want to be… when they are older. But, what about now? What if we gave them the tools to follow their hearts today?

You won't even mind that what they want to be changes by the hour when following your heart is as easy as slipping on a new costume from Aeromax Toys. If you’re unfamiliar with Aeromax, I highly suggest you check them out. I was first introduced to their line of dress up gear at our local children’s museum, and even though the costumes had likely been worn and washed hundreds of times, it was clear to me that Aeromax Get Real Gear was special from first glance.

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How to pack the perfect carry-on for baby

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SkinCareForBaby #CollectiveBias How to pack the perfect carry-on for baby (2)Our kids go just about everywhere with us, and that includes when our adventures take us out of state by plane, train, and automobile. This go-anywhere, do-anything lifestyle started with our first baby when she was just days old. Even back then we’d have parents come up to us incredulous that we were able to travel with baby and now that our family size has increased their curiosity has only grown.

And I always tell them that traveling with babies was one of the best things we ever did. Not only did it make them more adaptable and flexible, it also made it easier to keep our adventurous side, which makes us all happier. The kids are growing up seeing things others only dream of and we’re spending some really awesome quality time together starting from day one.

My first tip for traveling with baby is that preparation goes a long way. Before we ever set off with baby, we read a ton and played out all of our worst-case scenarios. There were a few missteps along the way but for the most part we were prepared for just about everything that has come up, and even when we weren't, we were able to approach it with a roll-with-it kind of attitude knowing that you can't account for every emergency.

If you are a new parent wondering about the logistics of traveling with baby, you can relax because we are giving you a peek into our carry-on for baby. This is exactly what we'll be packing for our cross-country trip with kiddos this month, and has worked well for us on all of our adventures. Huggies necessities for travelAre you ready to start? Great, let's break down our packing list by category: food & snacks, soothing & comfort, playtime, clothing, changing, and just for parents.

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Happy {belated} birthday, Baby!

This is a belated happy birthday, but I couldn't let another week pass without wishing this little one a happy first birthday. We all adore this sweet little baby and we've enjoyed watching her grow and learn over this past year. Anyone who has met her knows how she radiates love and joy and how … Read more

Donating to Beautiful Lengths

Mornings are not my favorite. They start with my “alarm” going off, which is still currently sleeping in the crib beside my bed, and they usually end with us all running across the field because, as usual, we are running late for school. With three kids to get moving, get dressed, and get fed and … Read more

10 insider tips for Beaches Resort Villages & Spa Turks & Caicos with small children

Beaches sunset
Sponsored postAfter visiting Beaches Turks & Caicos two years in a row with little kids, we like to consider ourselves experts of sorts. The first year we were just figuring out the ropes and crossing our fingers that we fit everything in that we were hoping to do, but this second year, we went in with a plan of attack and made it happen. FDSC00893While I could go on and on about all the things you can see and do with kids at Beaches Turks & Caicos, this list is just a starting point.

Here are just some of our tips for how to make the most of the trip with young kids:

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We need your help to give kids a Childlike Summer

I partnered with The Motherhood and ConAgra Foods to help spread the word about a Hunger Free Summer, but all opinions are my own. Childlike SummerI know I’ve said it before, but I love summer. The past few weeks have been a blur of playdates, farmer’s markets, library visits, and playing at our local parks. But, even with all this fun we’re having, I never forget how lucky we are.

Lucky because even though money is always a little tight with only one steady income, we never worry about whether we will go hungry. We have a well-stocked fridge and pantry, a small neighborhood co-op of small urban gardens that can provide anything we couldn’t afford otherwise at the grocery store, and we are able to give what we can to those less fortunate.
Picking Blueberries
All kids deserve to have a Childlike Summer in which they don’t worry where the next meal will come from. If we all do our part and give what we can {whether it’s time, energy, money, food donations, or even simply watching this video below}, we really can make a difference for the children in our communities.

Simply view this video to find out more about child hunger this summer. Or, better yet, share the video so your friends can watch/share/like it as well. For each of these actions, the ConAgra Foods Foundation will donate the monetary equivalent of one meal to Feeding America, up to two million meals*.

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50+ fun activities to do on a trampoline for kids and adults

Looking for fun on your trampoline? Look no further! This is the ultimate list of insanely fun activities and ideas you can do on your trampoline for kids and adult. From workouts and collaborative games to learning activities and creative play – there’s something for everyone!

Home sweet Lundby {SMÅLAND Swedish doll’s house review}

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Home Sweet Lundby
I vividly remember when I began to think in miniature. It was one of the many summers I spent with my grandparents in their small town up north. One of our projects that summer was to build a dollhouse for my growing collection of miniatures my grandma and I had collected at swap meets and secondhand stores as well as things we had repurposed around their home that were to scale.

In my mind, my grandpa and I would make a house fit for our treasures, one with intricate details and style that was just like my cousin’s dollhouse my aunt had made from a kit. But, I will never forget when my grandpa and I started to sit down and design my dollhouse and I realized we were making a primitive A-frame house with scrap wood from the garage. My dollhouse would be without doors, windows, or details other than walls.

Don’t get me wrong, I adored the dollhouse we built that summer. It was more than a few steps up from the shelf in my room that had previously housed my miniatures, and it would be perfect for moving a play family into that didn’t mind a little bit of a fixer-upper. I played with that dollhouse for years and did my best to make it feel more homey and inviting by making my own wallpaper and adding realistic accessories.

But, my desire for a real store-bought dollhouse never went away. Even into adulthood, I would look wistfully at dollhouses that were done up to the nines and imagine my childhood dollhouse furniture I had collected filling those big, bright rooms. 

In one of those searches, I found Lundby, the Swedish Doll’s House, and it was as if my childhood play family had finally found “home”. I remember bookmarking the site, emailing the link to my husband and asking him how soon was too soon to start buying dollhouses for our baby girl. We both agreed to wait a few years, but I always kept Lundby in the back of my mind.

Last fall, I lost my grandpa after a long battle with illness and I, myself, felt a little lost. My grandpa had been such a strong figure in my life growing up and I wished more than anything that I had held onto that dollhouse we made all those summers ago. I wanted something to help my daughter remember her amazing great grandfather, and wished that they could have bonded over miniatures like we had all those years ago.  

So, when a package landed on my porch a few months later with a welcome letter and a “key” to a Lundby Smaland dollhouse, I was beside myself with joy.  I knew this was the perfect way to introduce my daughter to the world of miniatures and to provide a link to my past at the same time.

Lundby Dollhouse in package

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ESLA Kicksled

When I first saw the ESLA Kicksleds, my first thought was “I want one” but then it was quickly followed with “but what would I do with it?”  Clearly the desire to try something new and exciting beat out any doubts I had about whether or not I could actually use it.  I just had … Read more