Turn any doorway into an amazing gym for the whole family with Gym1

Rare is the present you can truly get for the *whole* family. Besides trips that cost crazy amounts of money or expensive game systems or electronics that encourage only passive play, there’s not much else that’s out there that the whole family can enjoy as a whole. On that short list is the Gym1 doorway … Read more

Classic design and creative play with Viking Toys

I love toys that inspire my kids to use their imaginations. So many toys these days have scripted storylines and built in backstories. I personally love it when my kids create the story, define the characters, and it’s an added bonus when they also have to build or construct something while they play. Viking Toys … Read more

Give the gift of history with Felicity from American Girl

It’s hard for me to picture Christmas time without American Girl. I vividly remember circling items in the American Girl catalog each year in my youth, then I remember shopping their online store with my nieces years later, and now I’m taking my own kids to the Seattle American Girl store for them to make … Read more

Meet Piper, the DIY STEM computer kit for kids

As a parent, I’m always looking for toys that aren’t *just* toys for my kids. I want toys that inspire learning, ones that will resonate with the kids, and mostly I want toys that won’t get abandoned as soon as the shiny luster wears off. Well parents, I found the holy grail of presents for … Read more

Creativity For Kids and Craftivity art kits for the win

Have kids, tweens or teens you’re buying for this holiday season? Here’s a pro tip: go with the art supplies. Unless you are *absolutely positive* of what games they are wanting, what movies they don’t have, what brand is still “in”, or what clothing is and isn’t popular this week, just do yourself a favor … Read more

Create an heirloom piece with PicturesOnGold.com

It’s now been four years since we surprised our oldest daughter with a heart shaped locket from PicturesOnGold.com for Christmas. Since the day she opened the locket four years ago, it quickly become one of her most cherished possessions. She wears it all the time, and it is her special comfort piece she turns to when … Read more

DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free season 3 is available now

Back in the summer, my kiddos fell in love with DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free. They love a good series that they can really get into and follow along with the characters, and horses are a huge deal around here, so Spirit Riding Free was basically made for them. Since we limit our kids’ screentime, I … Read more

The best photo blankets from Collage.com

Every year when the holidays roll around, it’s basically a guarantee that at least some of the presents I give will be picture gifts. I’m the photographer in my group and I have file after file full of pictures I’ve taken throughout the year of all of our many events. So, it’s expected that I … Read more