Spring clean and organize your digital life with MiMedia

Sponsored postI know this isn’t a popular sentiment, but I actually really love spring cleaning. Call me crazy, but I love cleaning up and clearing things out until everything is neat and organized just the way I like it. During my spring cleaning sessions, just about nothing is safe and I recycle, donate, and gift with abandon. It’s a beautiful thing.

But, until now there is one area of disorganization that was too scary for me to even begin to delve into: my digital life. We’re talking decades of pictures, music files, scans, videos, and documents that have been over-categorized and misplaced until it’s impossible to find anything or enjoy it properly.

Like this gem. Hidden away in a file called "10-26-2015-BHJLHK". Because OF COURSE I would look there first when searching for an adorable picture of the kiddos with me during our trip to Georgia. If that doesn't scream "open me for adorable pictures" I don't know what does. DSC01056That’s where MiMedia comes in. MiMedia is the personal cloud you’ve been waiting for that gives you an easy-to-access, safe and secure digital home for all of your precious memories. Imagine knowing that all your files you care most about are safe in one spot where you can keep them organized and accessible on all of your devices. With MiMedia, they can be. MiMedia upload queue

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Photo gifts and surprises from GingerSnapCrate

Sponsored post I just received one of the coolest packages I have ever gotten. Yes, ever. I’m a hard person to surprise, but I was so shocked by my GingerSnapCrate that it felt like Christmas, my birthday, Valentine’s Day, and Mother’s Day all rolled into one.

Picture presents are my absolute favorite, but that’s one thing that’s really tough for other people to get me. You see, I’m my family’s photographer, which means unless my photographer aunt is around with her camera, I hold all the pictures. And, I have a ton of pictures {I actually probably have a few dozen tons of pictures}, which no one wants to dig through to surprise me.What is in the GingerSnapCrateBut, GingerSnapCrate really surprised me, in such a good way. GingerSnapCrate is a customized monthly box of your favorite images made into custom photo gifts perfect for keeping or for giving.

I was honestly so surprised that I was confused. How did they get these adorable pictures I love so much? I know I didn’t send them all of these, so where did they come from? When they asked for a few pictures, I just drew a blank and sent the four most current pictures I liked of this spring. So, where did the rest of these come from and how did they know my taste so perfectly? And, then I realized that they had found my pictures on Instagram, which is so awesome. GingerSnapCrate sparkle magnetOut of my Instagram photos and the photos I uploaded to the GingerSnapCrate site, they made me some super awesome photo gifts that I am simply in love with. From calendar sheets to framed prints and photo bags to magnets and beautifully printed photos, they nailed every single item in the crate.

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Skagit Valley Tulip Festival with Washington Shoe Company {coupon codes included}

Sponsored postTulip fields with familyEvery year we celebrate the arrival of spring with two big events: the purchase of new rain boots and then a visit to the tulip fields. Western Chief at tulip fieldsThis year was extra exciting for me because it was my turn for new boots. I was realizing that it had been nearly 7 years since my last new rain boots, so it seemed like kismet when I got an email from one of my very favorite boot brands, Washington Shoe Company {known to consumers as Western Chief and Chooka Boots} offered to send me a pair specifically for visiting the tulips this spring.Chooka boots wirh tulipsThey sent me these little cuties, which I have found are not only awesome for tulip visits, but also are great for gardening, pressure washing, and even backyard spring parties. I love that they are the perfect height for wearing in mud and water, but more shoe-like so I could potentially wear them all day long. Oh, and did I mention how comfortable they are? WP_20160402_09_09_39_Rich_LI

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Find your keys, purse or phone with a Tile tracker from AT&T

Sponsored postTry the Tile from AT&T
Sometimes, things just happen for a reason. Earlier this month, when AT&T offered to send me a new Tile, I thought, “That’d probably be nice to have just in case”. I had no idea just how nice it would be to have.

I was literally waiting on shipment of the Tile when I truly lost my car keys for the first time in my adult life. It took over a half hour of all of us running around the house looking before I realized where they were – they were locked INSIDE my trunk sitting atop the stroller console where I had left them after shopping the previous day.

Thankfully, I have a husband who drives for work and he was able to swing by and unlock my trunk for me, because I would have had some super sad spring breakers missing a day at the Children’s Museum as a result of my forgetfulness. As it was, we had already wasted much of our day looking for keys and then waiting to be rescued.

But, what if we could have located the keys in an instant and immediately called my husband to help us out? That’s where the Tile Bluetooth Tracker comes in. The tiny Tile is the size of keychain, but it can do so much more. How much more, you ask? Tile keychain

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Spring shopping at Northgate Mall in Seattle

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So, Easter in Seattle was cold and rainy, like usual. But, we didn’t mind because our rain plan was actually our only plan: The Northgate Mall EGGcellent Easter Party for Kidgits members. But, that won’t be a surprise to anyone that knows us, since Northgate Mall is pretty much our holiday go-to plan if we aren’t seeing family.

This past weekend the mall was all done up for Easter for their EGGcellent Easter Party, and as usual, it did not disappoint. There was face painting, treats to snack on, robotics to marvel over, crafts to construct, and even live bunnies to hold. Northgate Mall bunniesWe checked in at the Kidgits Club desk and showed our membership cards to get little goodie bags for the kiddos, and then we headed over to take our annual pictures with the Easter Bunny before we visited the booths. Here’s one of my favorite shots from our Bunny Photo Experience: Easter bunny

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Fitbit Charge heart rate monitor activity tracker

Sponsored postWhen you think about Valentine’s Day, most people think about sweets, roses, and hearts. I guess this makes sense, but as for me, I always think AT&T each February for all my heartfelt gifts. It may not be hearts in the traditional sense, but in the literal sense, AT&T has you covered.
To me, romance is about growing old together, hand-in-hand. To do that, you must be healthy. So, why not head into AT&T to pick up a pair of Fitbit activity trackers for you and your sweetheart to help you stay active and healthy?

The Fitbit Charge Heart Rate Monitor Activity Tracker is the perfect gift for those looking to stay in shape and live an active life. The Fitbit Charge works with iPhone, Android, and Windows and not only can it keep your heart healthy by encouraging you to keep moving, but it also monitors that heart of yours with PurePulse™ Heart Rate so you can see what really gets your blood pumping.
Fitbit Charge HR

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Taking time for me: my New Years resolution

Sponsored postBy Leanne, editor and founderHappy 2016It’s resolution time!

Do you make New Years resolutions? Every year I make a resolution that helps the family – whether it’s getting a big household project done, making room for growing kids, or taking more family trips. But, this year I’m doing something different. I’m doing something for myself.  Northgate Mall family pictureYou know how on airplanes they always tell you that in the event of an emergency you should take care of your life jacket or air mask first so you can then help others? As a mom, that has never resonated with me, and I’ve always wondered how I would feel in that situation actually putting on my mask or jacket before my kiddos. I think we can all agree that we would just prefer to not ever be in a situation that required an emergency supply of air or floating in an ocean waiting for rescue, right?

But, what if you use the same line of reasoning to survive the day-to-day tasks with three kiddos in tow? Maybe doing for yourself makes sense because it gives you more that you can then give to others. These days I need to give a lot, and I’m realizing I can’t care for the kids the way I would like if I’m not taking care of myself.

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Goodbye 2015, it’s been a great year

Sponsored postBy Tyler, editor and reviewer

2015 was a great year all around. Not just for the fact that I finally made that fireplace mantle I'd promised my wife years ago, or our amazing trips together up and down the West Coast as well as our big trip to the Caribbean and then over to Georgia. No, what made this year truly amazing was that we not only added our third {and likely final member} to our little family, and we also made huge strides towards getting healthy, together. FDSC00893
As you get older you really start to feel your age more. As I've become much more aware of the fact that I'm no longer in my twenties, I've found myself needing to pay a little more attention to personal upkeep. This is where
Jenny Craig came in.

You may remember that my wife and I did the Jenny Craig program together in late summer/early fall. But, what you may not know is that after finishing our review period with Jenny Craig, we decided to stick with it a little longer since we were both having such great success in the program.

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