Mixbook Custom Photo Book

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 32 If you haven’t created your own photo book yet, now is the perfect time to give it a shot.  I recently found Mixbook and was so excited to see that it solved all of my reservations I had had about photobook software in the past.  I got to create … Read more

MICHE Big Bag and 3 Designer Shells

Ultimate Gift Guide: Day 14 Have you heard of the MICHE Bag?  I remember the first time I heard of them I was in labor with my second child and the commercial for Miche Bags came on.  Although I remember thinking “those do look like cute designer handbags”, I was also a little … uh, … Read more

Shun Edo 8 ½” Chef’s Knife

Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide: Day 10 There are certain things that I firmly believe you should buy top-of-the-line and knives are absolutely on that list.  Not only do they make food prep so much easier, it also makes the time spent in the kitchen so much more enjoyable. Since this time of year we all … Read more

Wean Cubes Glass Baby Food Containers

Growing up I was fortunate to have a mother who was ahead of her time.  Although I remember some occasional resentment when everyone around me at lunchtime opened their lunch boxes to bright packaging and store-bought treats, the truth is, my mom was on the organic train before it really left the station.  From the time … Read more

Spring Wardrobes (and More) for Less at TJ Maxx and Marshalls

   Saving money is top of almost everyone’s list right now, which is why I love that there are so many discount stores near me that I can go to when I’m shopping for holidays, birthdays, or just to get myself something special while keeping our budget intact.  Two of my favorite discount stores are T.J. … Read more

April Showers Need Corolle Umbrellas

All of us here at Rave Central are huge Corolle fans, and not just because they have the most adorable dolls and accessories.  When we think Corolle, we think of the utmost in quality dolls that can grow with your children and become beloved members of the family.  With all sorts of birthdays coming up … Read more

DownEast Basics Review

The snow and ice is finally melting and we’re all thinking about breathing some life back into our closets.  The DownEast Basics new spring arrivals are the perfect place to start to get your wardrobe ready for the warm weather ahead.  With skirts, flutter tops, swim separates and even handbags, DownEast Basics has a full … Read more

Naturalizer N5 Comfort Shoes Review and Discount Code

Many of you already know my non-negotiable rule: the only time you will ever find me wearing uncomfortable shoes is when I am a bridesmaid.  That means that roughly 99.999% of the time I will be wearing comfortable shoes, and why I’m so excited about the N5 Comfort Elements collection from Naturalizer.  I am extremely … Read more

Harlem Globetrotters 2010 Magical Memories Tour

It’s a good year to be a Globetrotter.  If you think you've seen the Harlem Globetrotters everywhere these past few months, you are absolutely correct.  Appearing on all sorts of TV shows and getting tons of airtime for the causes and groups they support, the Harlem Globetrotters are back in a big way. In their … Read more

Oreck XL Halo UV Vacuum

Being a mom completely changes the way you think about clean.  Suddenly, those floors you haven’t scrubbed for two weeks are now being eaten off of, and literally everything eventually ends up in someone’s mouth.  You can’t simply dust your countertops or sweep your linoleum and call them clean, so why would you merely run … Read more