Creativity for Kids gardening kits make any staycation fun

Creativity for Kids volcano

I know all you mamas out there are trying your best to help your kiddos cope with the new restrictions and fears that we all are experiencing. At this point, I’m looking for any way at all to eliminate some of those worries, and I am so thankful I had some educational fun stashed away from Creativity for Kids.

Solidarity, all you new homeschooling Mamas.

March calendar

Hello, all you new new homeschooling mamas. You have a lot on your plate already, and now with schools shut down all over the U.S. for COVID-19 concerns, it looks like you will be teaching your little darlings. For 6 hours a day, anywhere between 6 weeks and… forever, you’re going to now be in charge of everything they learn, too.

Corolle dolls: a friend you can count on

Corolle Walk 3

I’ve said it for years and I’ll say it again: Corolle dolls aren’t just any old baby doll – they are best friends. The snuggle of a Corolle doll has gotten my kids through all their childhood fears and the baby dolls they fall in love with remain beloved friends even after they grow out of the typical doll stage. Now, more than ever, we need simple pleasures and the reminder that things will be okay again

Easy treasure hunting with the GO-FIND 66 from Minelab

Go Find 66 on rocky beach

Our treasure hunting days were almost over, but they have been revivved thanks to Minelab metal detectors. After meeting with the Minelab team at CES, I knew I had found the solution to all of our treasure hunting woes of the past with the new GO-FIND 66.

Create your own custom ride with the Modarri Configurator

Modarri cars in hand

My kids love literally everything about Modarri cars: the way they move and allow the kids to “drive”, the way you can take them apart over and over again, and the way you can build whatever you want with all the Modarri parts. And, now they love that they can create their own custom cars with the Modarri Configurator.

Joss Kendrick: 2020 Girl of the Year from American Girl

Joss Kendrick AG in girl's arms

I know I say that every American Girl doll is gorgeous, and I’m not incorrect in that assertion. But, even keeping that in mind, Joss is still pretty special. Her long brown hair and brown eyes are unique in the doll world, and I love it. She arrives wearing a swimsuit, hoodie, sandals, and shorts and even includes two removable hearing aids in a case that you can place in her right ear as well as her book.

The very best self rising flour recipes

Banana Bread with self rising flour recipe

Looking for the best self rising flour recipes ever? Look no further! We’ll also share how to make self riosing flour from traditional flour for those that want to convert a recipe.

Get Social

Social CBD line

When my box from Social arrived, I was excited to see so many different flavors and varieties included for sampling. They sent over Unflavored, Pomegranate Tea, Meyer Lemon, and Vanilla Mint as well as a sample of the Rest Gel Capsules and muscle rub and I couldn’t wait to try them all.

Best of CES 2020: Tech for families

MovoPhoto Video Kit

Wondering what kinds of amazing tech for families was in Las Vegas for CES? Here’s the breakdown of all the best family tech for 2020 – for kids, tweens, teens, and their parents.

Best of CES: Tech in 2020

U by Moen

The Consumer Electronics Show was packed full of new {and improved} technology that will be making its way to retail this year. I’m sharing my favorite finds from on the floor, events, and parties we attended. From Smart Home to tech that you can take with you on the go, there’s a whole lot to be excited about in tech this year.