American Girl Seattle Grand Opening

We got to check out the new American Girl Seattle store and it did not disappoint. See why we will be spending tons of time there in our future!

Phil&Teds Traveller Lightweight Portable Crib

Get Out and PLAY Event: Day 24 Heading out this summer?  Have you looked into a travel crib for your little one?  I will admit that at one point I resisted getting a travel crib because I thought we could “make do” without it.  But then as our travels increased, our family grew, and lack … Read more

BPONG Inflatable Table

Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 22 I never went through a “wild” stage, didn’t have crazy friends, and have always been incredibly responsible, even at a very young age.  Because of this, I have never played any sort of “drinking game”, and had never even heard of Beer Pong until just recently.  But, … Read more

B-Ready for everything with Britax

Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 21 If you’ve been in Washington over the past two months, it’s likely that you saw us crisscrossing the state with our newest ride. No, not a car, a stroller: specifically, the new Britax B-Ready stroller. In an effort to save money, use less gas, and get some … Read more

FlipFlop Wines {They’re Flippin’ Good}

I’ve always been intrigued by the wine section of our local stores, but I find shopping for wine rather intimidating.  Whenever it was my job to pick a bottle for our book club or dinner date, I would harass the clerk and other shoppers asking for suggestions, or merely pick a bottle based on how … Read more

Anamalz Eco-Friendly Wooden Animals

Have you seen anamalz before?  We ran across these adorable bendable animals a few months back in a specialty store near us and were immediately smitten.  As cute as they looked in the display, they were even more irresistible when played with.  Because of their bendable limbs, they are fun to position and pose however … Read more

Create Your Own Fairy Garden with Plow & Hearth

Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 20 Everyone that knows me understands my deep love of everything miniature.  While I was hoping my daughter would take an interest in miniatures as well, I was thrilled when I realized that she might love them even more than I do.  Because of our shared love {and … Read more

Milk Nursingwear

Have you shopped for nursing wear recently?  I have breastfed babies for 26 months in total and during that time I have owned exactly one cute nursing top.  One.  In 26 months.  This means that 99.9% of the time I am wearing my “mom uniform”, a tank top with a cardigan or hoodie, so I … Read more

Happy Summer Solstice!

It's {finally} summer!  Can I get a woo hoo?  Seriously, Washington was dealt the worst. spring. ever.  As in a snowy spring.  As in record rainfall.  Bleh!  I really couldn't be happier to welcome summer after such a long, wet, and cold spring. I say bring on the sun! Oh, and that spring/summer event about … Read more

How to Create a Hanging Garden

Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 19 For the past four summers I have been cultivating a small, urban vegetable garden in our backyard.  The challenge was how to not completely take over our small plot of land so we could leave space for the kids to play, but to still be able to … Read more