It’s our 13th Christmas of Corolle and I wanted to share some pics of our Corolle fun this year. Thank you to Corolle for sending a few new babies to love and adore.

They warn you in motherhood that one day you’ll feel like you blinked and the kids are grown. Well, for those who haven’t already had that realization, it’s 100% true. You always think you have more time, and that tomorrow is a long way away. But, trust me, it sneaks up on you.

These days more than ever I’m looking around at the many messes my kids make each day and trying hard to remember that one day we’re going to pack away this toy or that and it will never come out again. It happened with my older two, where one toy was beloved for years and never left their side and then the next no one knew where it had gone.
Some things I’ve been excited to let go – like that big and bulky plastic workbench, or the play kitchen that takes up a good part of a bedroom. But, there are other things that I’m dreading the end of, and top of that list is baby dolls.

Our long Corolle history
Our Corolle baby dolls have been with us on literally every adventure we gone on as a family. From weekends away with relatives to cross country plane and train trips, we’ve had a Corolle doll with us every single time. Every single Santa picture, nearly every trip to the park, the beach, every hike. You name it, we brought a Corolle doll to it.

I know one day the dolls aren’t going to come with us anymore. And, maybe I won’t notice right away, but then after a few weeks I’ll realize Cora and Elizabeth or one of the others haven’t left the house in a while. Or, maybe they just won’t leave the high chair or the doll bed they’ve set them in and I’ll realize no one is actually playing with the baby dolls anymore.

And, that’s the moment I’m absolutely dreading. The end of the baby doll era.

A magical Christmas of Corolle
Each year I worry that it’s the last Christmas of Corolle as the kids get older, but every year a Corolle doll or accessory makes it on the Santa list. And, deep down, I breathe a sigh of relief.

But, this year I knew a Corolle baby doll would make it on the list. With a new baby in the extended family, our little family has been all about the babies for the past year. My three are obsessed with this handsome little guy and we’d really like everyone to stay home so we can watch him and snuggle him again. Is that cool with everyone?

This little guy doesn’t know it, but his mere presence makes my kids overjoyed. They love taking care of him and watching out for him, and they are surprisingly good at it – you know, for being kids themselves and all. When he’s not able to come play, the baby dolls around here have to work overtime taking all the baby love. They don’t seem to mind.

The importance of baby doll play
I’m just not ready at all for the baby stage to end. I love how sweet and gentle the kids are while playing baby dolls, I love how imaginative they are, and I love that even the older ones still join in on the play.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: there’s just something really special about a Corolle doll. It’s not just that they are adorable, or that they have the cutest accessories. There’s something about them that makes them instant friends as opposed to just another toy.

Maybe it has to do with their sweet vanilla scent, or the fact that they are sized exactly right for each age and stage. Or maybe it’s that the mere act of caring for Corolle baby dolls endears you in a way that other toys cannot. I am not 100% sure what the magic is, but I can promise you it *is* magic.
Merry Christmas of Corolle
This year, I’m excited for another magical Christmas of Corolle. Our 13th, to be specific. I can’t wait to photograph the run to the fireplace and the squeals as she realizes that a Corolle doll is waiting for her. I can’t wait to help her dress and undress her baby over and over again throughout Christmas Day. And, I can’t wait to help her pack up her baby dolls to go cruise around and look at Christmas lights together as a family.

But, mostly I’m excited that baby doll play is going to feel fresh and new again. I’m excited for her to love all the little accessories and gear and then I’m excited for her to pack it all up in the diaper bag to take it with us for the next 12 months.
Want to see more magical Corolle Christmases? Check out our previous years’ love here, here, and here. We have a few dozen more posts, but at some point you’re going to want to stop listening to me talk about how magical Corolle is.