My New Year’s Resolution: More “Us” Time
I’m going to brag for a moment: I have the best husband. Ever. We met when I was in high school, during those awkward teen years when you’re still trying…
The Fantastic World of Schleich Bayala
A few years ago, I fell in love with Schleich animals and we bought a handful of the beautifully painted figurines to occupy my daughter on a long plane ride. …
Christmas Cheer from Rave Central {Handmade Ornaments}
I know I say it every year, but I really can't believe the holidays are here again. I'm not sure how they sneak up on me every. single. year, but…
We’re cruising with the Prince Lionheart chop balance BIKE
My kids love our family bike rides in their trailers and front toddler seats and are dying for the day they can take off down the trail on their own. …
Holiday Gifts for the DIY’er from Dremel {Dremel Saw-Max Review}
It seems like everyone these days is a DIY’er. With the advent of Pinterest with detailed and pictorial instructions, it has become incredibly easy to redo an entry way, create…
There’s No Place Like Hallmark for the Holidays
For me, the holidays are not complete without a bag full of little boxes from Hallmark. Growing up, we eagerly awaited our annual Hallmark ornament every December and we would…
Elfcapades Capture the Magic of Christmas
Nearly every morning I wake up to my daughter’s nose a few inches from mine, her eyes big as she whispers, “Let’s go see what those crazy elves did last…
ASUS Google Nexus 7” Tablet for the Ultimate in Portable Entertainment
Remember when computers lived in an office and basically took up the whole desk with all their various parts? Then you probably remember how excited everyone was about the first…
Just in Time for the Holidays: Finding Nemo on Blu-ray and Blu-ray 3D
Tonight as we were getting ready for bed, my daughter asked if I would search all over the ocean for her if she ever got lost. After explaining that she…
Windows 8 + Urbanspoon Luncheon at Seattle’s Luc Restaurant
A few weeks ago, I got to do something many people only dream about: dine with a famous chef in a beautiful setting surrounded by fun and fabulous people. The…