DIY Embroidery Hoop Hair Clip Holder (Tutorial}
I think I had 5 clips the entire time I was growing up. My daughter has dozens. While they are admittedly adorable, they also drive me crazy when I can’t…
Step2 Corvette Room Organizer {review}
I adore my kids, and I love *most* of their toys. I just hate when their toys are all over my house. While toy boxes are one solution, I find…
Nutcase Helmets and Little Nutty Helmets {Review}
By Tyler, Editor and Author Those of you who know us well know that we love riding bikes as a family. Not only is it a great way to spend…
Cinderella Diamond Edition on DVD & Blu-ray
Who doesn’t love a Cinderella story? Growing up, Disney’s Cinderella was one of my absolute favorite movies, something I would watch over and over again with my sisters as we sang along and danced. In fact, I can still recite just about half of the movie in its entirety, which I’m hoping eventually comes up in a game of trivia at some point so I can wow everyone with my amazing Cinderella-memorizing powers.
There was no doubt I’d eventually get Cinderella for my kids as well, the question was just which edition and format to get. Making the decision to switch to Blu-ray for all of our kids movies, I have been eagerly awaiting the release of Cinderella in Blu-ray for quite some time now.
The Strength of 1
Strength can come from surprising places, and for many people, breast cancer is one of them. From long battles by courageous women to inspiring survivors who educate others on the…
Enjoy Music Anywhere with the Sound Step Recharge from Soundfreaq {Review & Discount Code}
By Tyler, Editor and Author I’ve always been a little bit retro in my musical tastes. I still own a CD player, I have lots of records {yes, records!}, and…
Mamas & Papas Gingerbread Knitted Blanket {Review}
My daughter completely overestimates my ability to turn yarn into something pretty. Although I can crochet {a little}, I certainly am not going to be making blankets, hats, or sweaters…
American Girl releases Caroline Abbott, the newest Historical Character
A few weeks ago, my preschool-aged daughter and I started learning about the War of 1812. Yes, I know it’s a bit late for me to be learning about a…
Saying Goodbye to a Great Man
This last weekend was incredibly rough as we all prepared to say goodbye to a truly wonderful man and an amazing grandpa/great-grandpa. While I don't do many personal posts here…
Skineez Skincarewear is Shape Wear and So Much More
I’m lucky that I’ve grown up in an age that has never had to wear corsets. Beyond the standard slips, camisoles and regular undergarments, my generation has been fortunate that…