Believe me, I know stress. So, when I got an email asking me to share a peek into my world as a working mom of three young kids and give some tips about how I deal with stress and how RESCUE can help in a sponsored post, I was all about it. 
What kind of stress, you ask? How about the time my newborn cried every single time I set her down, or the time my coworker was moving clear across the country and I was covering her shift during the move, or the time my beloved camera stopped working in the middle of a shoot and I couldn’t get it to work again, or the time I had stacks of financial, legal, and tax paperwork to go through all on a deadline and was dealing with numerous calls, emails and texts with people asking for the paperwork.
And, all of that I just mentioned? That all happened today while I was trying to get work done and take care of three kids. But, to make things worse, I couldn’t even ask my husband for help because he was busy working extra shifts and dealing with our rental property that was leaking in three different places because our renters were neglecting it. A day in the life of Leanne, people, a day in the life. 
Of course, there's also days that look more like this. I was literally playing in fields of flowers with my sweet babies.
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