Creativity for Kids gardening kits make any staycation fun

Creativity for Kids volcano

I know all you mamas out there are trying your best to help your kiddos cope with the new restrictions and fears that we all are experiencing. At this point, I’m looking for any way at all to eliminate some of those worries, and I am so thankful I had some educational fun stashed away from Creativity for Kids.

Solidarity, all you new homeschooling Mamas.

March calendar

Hello, all you new new homeschooling mamas. You have a lot on your plate already, and now with schools shut down all over the U.S. for COVID-19 concerns, it looks like you will be teaching your little darlings. For 6 hours a day, anywhere between 6 weeks and… forever, you’re going to now be in charge of everything they learn, too.

Corolle dolls: a friend you can count on

Corolle Walk 3

I’ve said it for years and I’ll say it again: Corolle dolls aren’t just any old baby doll – they are best friends. The snuggle of a Corolle doll has gotten my kids through all their childhood fears and the baby dolls they fall in love with remain beloved friends even after they grow out of the typical doll stage. Now, more than ever, we need simple pleasures and the reminder that things will be okay again

Easy treasure hunting with the GO-FIND 66 from Minelab

Go Find 66 on rocky beach

Our treasure hunting days were almost over, but they have been revivved thanks to Minelab metal detectors. After meeting with the Minelab team at CES, I knew I had found the solution to all of our treasure hunting woes of the past with the new GO-FIND 66.

Best of CES 2020: Tech for families

MovoPhoto Video Kit

Wondering what kinds of amazing tech for families was in Las Vegas for CES? Here’s the breakdown of all the best family tech for 2020 – for kids, tweens, teens, and their parents.

Stocking Stuffers for parents

RR Stocking Stuffers for Parents

Looking for stocking ideas for adults? Check out our 20 stocking stuffer ideas for men and women that they will surely be happy to open. With practical and fun ideas for anyone, you’re sure to find a few treasures to stuff in their stockings.

Meet the hifold: a booster seat that fits in your backpack

RR hifold happy boy

The hifold is what families on the go have been waiting forever for. This fold-and-fit high back booster seat is impossibly compact, weighs less than the traditional booster seats, is ultra-adjustable, and fits booster seat riding kids of all ages. 

Mindfulness workshop for busy moms with Infinite Balance

Mindfulness Inquiry

A big thank you to Manjeet for inviting me to the Mindfulness Workshop for Busy Moms with Infinite Balance this past week. All opinions are 100% mine… well, and my sister’s. I can’t tell you how many friends and acquaintances have come up and recommended Infinite Balance Life Coaching with Manjeet to me. Up until last week, I thought maybe I … Read more

Fremont, WA in Fall

Family picture in Fremont

I love Fremont, WA in fall and I don’t think I will ever get tired of walking around the area. This is especially true on Sundays. Yes, Sundays… the day it seems like everything is closed even though everyone has the day off..

10 reasons to try a Soothe in-home massage for yourself

Soothe app in home

Having the option of an in-home massage got rid of so many roadblocks I had built up. I no longer had to worry about traffic to and from the massage, or planning a babysitter, and then travel time around the appointment. Since you can schedule your massage with as little as one hour notice, it really is as easy as realizing you have some spare time and hopping on the app.