Work from Home Essentials
Are you working at home more these days? Just kidding, we’re *all* working from home these days. I guess what I should have asked is if you’re surviving working from home these days. While we’re all new at this working and schooling from home, I’ve created a list of my favorite products and services for … Read more
Creativity for Kids gardening kits make any staycation fun
I know all you mamas out there are trying your best to help your kiddos cope with the new restrictions and fears that we all are experiencing. At this point, I’m looking for any way at all to eliminate some of those worries, and I am so thankful I had some educational fun stashed away from Creativity for Kids.
Solidarity, all you new homeschooling Mamas.
Hello, all you new new homeschooling mamas. You have a lot on your plate already, and now with schools shut down all over the U.S. for COVID-19 concerns, it looks like you will be teaching your little darlings. For 6 hours a day, anywhere between 6 weeks and… forever, you’re going to now be in charge of everything they learn, too.
Corolle dolls: a friend you can count on
I’ve said it for years and I’ll say it again: Corolle dolls aren’t just any old baby doll – they are best friends. The snuggle of a Corolle doll has gotten my kids through all their childhood fears and the baby dolls they fall in love with remain beloved friends even after they grow out of the typical doll stage. Now, more than ever, we need simple pleasures and the reminder that things will be okay again
Mindfulness workshop for busy moms with Infinite Balance
A big thank you to Manjeet for inviting me to the Mindfulness Workshop for Busy Moms with Infinite Balance this past week. All opinions are 100% mine… well, and my sister’s. I can’t tell you how many friends and acquaintances have come up and recommended Infinite Balance Life Coaching with Manjeet to me. Up until last week, I thought maybe I … Read more