How to Host a Dinner Party, ActiFry Style

This weekend I’m hosting my first cooking party ever.  I’ve hosted potlucks before, cocktail parties, and I’ve had dinner parties, but I’ve never done anything as crazy as let my guests cook.  We’ll be cooking everything from appetizers to desserts in the PTPA Winning T-Fal ActiFry and would love to have you join us virtually … Read more

Our Day Celebrating Neighborhood Toy Store Day 2011

I kind of feel like a celebrity when I’m visiting my local toy stores.  Not only do most of the clerks know my name, they also know my kids’ names, their birthdays, and what our favorite brands are.  They will let me know when they get something in they know I will love, and they … Read more

Danger: Zombies, Our HEXBUG Party! #HEXBUGHalloween

A few months ago, a HEXBUG Nano caught my family’s attention as it scurried across the floor of a restaurant we were dining at.  The entire time we ate, the little robotic creature made its way around tables, chairs, and around obstacles of all kinds.  By the time the meal was over, we were all … Read more

Calico Critters from Growing Tree Toys

Calico Critters Margaret and Halley's Shop Play Set Review My daughter simply adores Calico Critters.  She first came upon them at a friend’s house and ever since then they have been a major topic of conversation, especially once she picked up the Calico Critters catalog.  For instance: “I’m going to ask Santa for this super … Read more

Glow Gifts: Unique and Fun Customized Presents

‘Tis {almost} the season of giving!  Are you like me and have a half a dozen people on your list and no idea what to buy for them?  Do yourself a favor and check out Glow Gift, a new site that allows you to create your own specially crafted present with their unique collection of … Read more

Build Anything with CitiBlocs

It’s a rare children’s toy that is as beloved by adults as it is the intended age group, but CitiBlocs are definitely one of those rare toys.  One glance through YouTube and you will see that CitiBlocs certainly aren’t merely child’s play.  We’re talking massive multi-person creations that took days {yes, days} to construct, but … Read more

Dumbo 70th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray Combo Pack

First Time in High Definition — As A 2-Disc Blu-ray™ Combo Pack, DVD and Movie Download

I truly think that the movie Dumbo gets better with age.  When I was young, it was a funny story about an elephant with big ears, a mouse, and a funny supporting cast of characters.  But, the older I get, the more important the message is.  What better than a flying elephant to teach us the power of believing in yourself and that sometimes your biggest handicap ends up being your biggest asset in the end? 

Dumbo Also better, but in this case despite its age, is the film’s newly restored state which returns Dumbo to its original pristine condition.  In honor of the 70th anniversary, Disney is releasing the restored classic as well as bringing the flying elephant into HD for the first time ever.  I will admit I hadn’t seen the film for over a decade before the newest release, but even so, I was really impressed with the restoration and how it revitalized the 70-year-old film.

Also impressive is how a 70 year old film not only remains relevant, hilarious, and heartwarming, but also how it captivates both the young and old alike.  Released in 1941, Dumbo may be Walt Disney’s 4th animated film ever, but the classic film is timeless and elegant even a full 7 decades later.  If you haven’t seen Dumbo recently, now is your chance to own the film as it was meant to be seen.  

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New HABA Toys {My Animal Friends Arranging Game}

I simply adore European design.  In fact, I would do nearly all my shopping overseas if I could afford the shipping or the plane tickets.  So, finding a retailer like Maukilo that specializes in European design and in heirloom quality toys is pretty much a dream come true.  There are hundreds of ways I could … Read more

Aeromax Fire Power Water Shooter Inspires Imaginative Play

Get Out and PLAY Event – Day 30 What kid doesn't like to play fireman?  I remember as a kid we played fireman all the time with the neighbor kids, "rescuing" each other from trees, forts, and playhouses with a step ladder and a hose.  While our parents weren't thrilled about us using the step … Read more