Unique gifts for your Star Wars fan from the What On Earth Catalog

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Do you have a Star Wars fan on your list this holiday season? Beyond the basics, like the movies, lightsabers, and a few collectibles, what else is there to wrap up? This year, I looked to The What on Earth Catalog to find the perfect Star Wars gift that is not only super cool, but also practical.

Introducing our newest, and already most beloved, kitchen gadget: The Star Wars Rogue One Darth Vader Lightsaber Handheld Immersion Blender. Cooking with Star Wars blenderThe Star Wars Darth Vader Lightsaber Immersion Blender is a sturdy saber made from red stainless steel that turns blending into a battle between good and evil. The realistic ABS handle will surely impress and the adjustable speeds can make short work of any blending job. Prepare to be the Sith Lord of your kitchen!

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Convert any surface to a standing desk with the Lift24 laptop stand from ErgotronHome

Sponsored postErgotron standing desk folded by tableAt certain times of the year {and especially during the holidays}, I feel like I’m chained to my computer. Whether it is a large amount of wedding pictures, family photo sittings, or it’s an especially busy blog month, my computer use can get out of control. And, since I’m active and on-the-go by nature, the idea of sitting at a desk or in a chair just about kills me. There are many days during the holidays that you will find me hunched over the kitchen island on my computer, so sick of sitting that I would rather stand and stoop down to see my computer.

It’s this reason that I’ve been searching for a standing desk for the past few years to give me options when I must be at the computer but just can’t sit any longer. The problem was that I wasn’t ready to fully commit to the standing desk, and I really needed a sit-to-stand desk that gave me options depending on my needs and my computer usage. Even better would be if the desk fit within my home’s décor so I didn’t end up with a huge eyesore that was only used a few times a year.

And, then I found Ergotron and my search was finally over.

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Any guesses what our newest DIY project is?

This fall I've been hard at work collecting fans, switches, PVC pipes, and all sorts of other parts to make a little DIY project that my son is going to flip for this Halloween. Any guesses as to what I'm building? Don't worry, I'll post here once it's finished and share the step by step … Read more

You can make a difference if you Lift Your Voice

Sponsored post American Girl Melody Lift Your VoiceWhen I think of my biggest wishes for my daughters, at the top of that list is that they always understand that their voices are powerful. Their voices unfortunately have the power to hurt others, but they can have the power to make someone feel loved and special. It’s up to them to use their voices for good. And, just like they can choose whether to use their voices to hurt or to help, their voices also have the ability to make a real difference in the world. American Girl Melody EllisonMelody Ellison™, the newest BeForever™ doll from American Girl, is learning the power of her voice and has arrived just in time for my daughters to really learn from her unique story. Her story is full of life lessons that give us a glimpse back into our past as well as ways to empower our girls to make a difference in the future.

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The 12 best ways to enjoy food on a stick

Does anything say "summer" more than eating food on sticks? Think about it: the family camp out, the backyard BBQ, the playdate cool-down, they all have one thing in common… food enjoyed right off the skewer or stick! Thank you to Kraft this sponsored post to share these awesome food on a stick recipes I can't wait to try.

FACT: Food tastes better on a stick. No, we can’t explain it. But like love or um, magnets, sometimes the best things can’t be explained with logic. On that note, allow me to introduce the 12 best “stick with it!” foods to eat this summer.

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Summer baking trend: frosting-free cakes for all your summer events


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Spring clean and organize your digital life with MiMedia

Sponsored postI know this isn’t a popular sentiment, but I actually really love spring cleaning. Call me crazy, but I love cleaning up and clearing things out until everything is neat and organized just the way I like it. During my spring cleaning sessions, just about nothing is safe and I recycle, donate, and gift with abandon. It’s a beautiful thing.

But, until now there is one area of disorganization that was too scary for me to even begin to delve into: my digital life. We’re talking decades of pictures, music files, scans, videos, and documents that have been over-categorized and misplaced until it’s impossible to find anything or enjoy it properly.

Like this gem. Hidden away in a file called "10-26-2015-BHJLHK". Because OF COURSE I would look there first when searching for an adorable picture of the kiddos with me during our trip to Georgia. If that doesn't scream "open me for adorable pictures" I don't know what does. DSC01056That’s where MiMedia comes in. MiMedia is the personal cloud you’ve been waiting for that gives you an easy-to-access, safe and secure digital home for all of your precious memories. Imagine knowing that all your files you care most about are safe in one spot where you can keep them organized and accessible on all of your devices. With MiMedia, they can be. MiMedia upload queue

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Photo gifts and surprises from GingerSnapCrate

Sponsored post I just received one of the coolest packages I have ever gotten. Yes, ever. I’m a hard person to surprise, but I was so shocked by my GingerSnapCrate that it felt like Christmas, my birthday, Valentine’s Day, and Mother’s Day all rolled into one.

Picture presents are my absolute favorite, but that’s one thing that’s really tough for other people to get me. You see, I’m my family’s photographer, which means unless my photographer aunt is around with her camera, I hold all the pictures. And, I have a ton of pictures {I actually probably have a few dozen tons of pictures}, which no one wants to dig through to surprise me.What is in the GingerSnapCrateBut, GingerSnapCrate really surprised me, in such a good way. GingerSnapCrate is a customized monthly box of your favorite images made into custom photo gifts perfect for keeping or for giving.

I was honestly so surprised that I was confused. How did they get these adorable pictures I love so much? I know I didn’t send them all of these, so where did they come from? When they asked for a few pictures, I just drew a blank and sent the four most current pictures I liked of this spring. So, where did the rest of these come from and how did they know my taste so perfectly? And, then I realized that they had found my pictures on Instagram, which is so awesome. GingerSnapCrate sparkle magnetOut of my Instagram photos and the photos I uploaded to the GingerSnapCrate site, they made me some super awesome photo gifts that I am simply in love with. From calendar sheets to framed prints and photo bags to magnets and beautifully printed photos, they nailed every single item in the crate.

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