It takes a team

Hubby and I RRBy Tyler, editor and reviewer

You know that feeling when you've been working all day and you fight traffic to get home and all you want to do is sleep once you get home? I drive for a living; I get this feeling almost every day. And, it's going to be getting dark even sooner in just a few weeks and the feeling is only going to increase. 

But, I know I can't just come home and veg because it's not good to go from sitting in traffic during the day to sitting on the sofa at night. Some days I just need a little motivation to get moving, to eat better, and to just be healthier. Here are just some of what helps me keep going towards a better me:

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Out with the old

Sponsored post Garage saleBy Leanne, editor and founder

Want to know what we did all last weekend? We sorted through boxes, dug through our garage, and we did a full closet purge that has been months in the making so we could have a garage sale. Because, apparently we’re not busy enough these days.

So, what prompted this fall cleaning kick? Two people: 1) my step-mom who was kind enough to donate her time, energy, and her driveway to our garage sale, and 2) Clinton Kelly, the co-host of one of my favorite shows, What Not To Wear. Clinton Kelly at Macys

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Happy harvesting – Pay It Forward

Sponsored post By Leanne, editor and founder

This girl should have been born on a farm. She’s never more at home than when we’re planting, sowing, and harvesting. But, unfortunately for her, our small urban lot means that the bulk of our fall bounty can’t be planted in our backyard. 6a0105362badb1970b01b7c6f3afa0970b-800wiThank goodness for the kindness of neighbors and family as well as local u-pick farms that allow us all to get our farm life fill, without all the work of actually owning a farm. Because can you imagine me owning a farm? It would basically become one big honey-do list for hubby who is decidedly much more handy than I am, and a whole lot less squeamish.

But, I love that in our glimpses of farm life we are teaching our children the simple goodness of harvesting fruits and vegetables. There is something so beautiful about preparing foods you picked earlier that day and canning and freezing for later. And, there is something even more beautiful about watching your kids devour healthy foods they previously wouldn’t touch. 

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5 fall activities for families

Sponsored postBy Tyler, editor and reviewer

This week we say goodbye to summer and the freedom that comes from not having school to wake up for. From now until late spring we will be on an earlier schedule, packing lunches, and spending evenings doing homework and getting ready for the next day. There won’t be as much time for late evening walks once the sun starts setting earlier, and it's going to start getting too cold for shorts and t-shirts soon.

But, it’s not all bad because it’s also the week we officially say hello to fall. Oh fall, how we’ve missed you. As much as I enjoy spring and summer and all the adventures we go on during the warmer months, there is something really special about fall. Fall pictureBoots, falling leaves, scarves, sweaters, coffee, pumpkin everything, and crisp, cool nights are coming and I cannot wait. Another bonus? Being able to get outside and stay active without overheating. No more worrying about slathering on sunscreen numerous times for even tiny walks to the park, and no more staying in shade most of the day to avoid direct sun. Fall is the time when we can finally bring the kids outside and just a daily sunscreen does the trick.

Here are just a few ways we like to stay active on a beautiful fall day:

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Staying active as a family – 5 dad-approved activities

Sponsored postBy Tyler, editor and reviewer

We don’t get to a gym much these days. As much as I would love to blame gym prices or the fact that we don’t have much time for gym workouts, the truth is that we’re not really gym people. We want to be, we really do. But, we like to go new places and explore different areas around us too much to spend our free time in one room or running a specific path. Our gym now happens in backyards, on playgrounds, and at parks, for better or for worse.

Recently we’ve been taking advantage of all this gorgeous sunshine and warm weather to get outside with the kids as much as possible. But, all of this getting out and walking means that we’ve exhausted all the parks near us and our need to explore new places starts creeping in. There are only so many times I can stand on the edge of the neighborhood park or in our backyard and cheer them on while they show me that they can go down the slide… again. These two adults? We want to move and play, too.  Hubby and IClearly, our evening routine needed a shake-up if we’re going to get serious about getting healthier, so I took it upon myself to make up a list of games for the family that are fun for everyone and get us all moving.

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Two coffemakers in one: BLACK + DECKER Café Select Dual Brew Coffeemaker with Travel Mug

Sponsored postThe last time we owned a coffee pot was before we got married. It was a cheap model we got at a discount store specifically for guests that drank coffee because neither of us were big coffee drinkers at the time. That pot got used 3, maybe 4 times, and we ended up getting rid of it in favor of a single brew machine that we could use for making individual coffees.

Fast forward over a decade and we are now big coffee drinkers, but we still don’t own a coffee pot. Since we each get up at different times in the morning, we typically each make our own single serve brew each day so that neither of us get stuck with old coffee. Black and Decker k-cup coffee makerThis all works out great until we have a house full of people and we're making cup after cup of coffee. Then, single serve k-cups feel very wasteful… and pricey. We thought about buying a new pot for this purpose and in the end it just didn't make sense to store an extra coffeemaker that only got used when we have company.

If only there was a coffeemaker that could brew individual cups as well as carafe brewing…Black and Decker coffee maker small cup Well now there is thanks to the BLACK + DECKER Café Select Dual Brew Coffeemaker that brews full 12-cup carafes of coffee as well as single serve portions in 6 different sizes.

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Raising kids: beating body issues and focusing on health

Sponsored postBy Leanne, editor and founder

Obesity is an epidemic these days. One look around the local park or school yard and it’s clear that it is affecting kids younger and younger these days. Every parent wants their kids to beat the odds and to not deal with weight issues at a young age, but there is a fine line you must walk so your child doesn’t develop body image issues.

So, what’s a parent to do? I first need to be as healthy as possible and maintain a healthy weight to set a good example. I need to model an active lifestyle that will encourage my children to get out and stay moving. And, finally, I need to not let them see me obsess about my weight… and especially not theirs.

There are some things on this list I feel like I’m doing a good job with, like discouraging laziness by limiting TV, tablets, and games that the kids zone out in front of. Instead we do lots of walking, biking, and we play lots of sports together. But, I also know there are some things on this list I do need to work on, and that is taking care of myself. Jenny Craig Before Picture 2Today my baby is already 7 months old {sniff, sniff}, and it’s time for both hubby and I to get back into the shape we were in before baby. We were talking the other day about making healthier food choices and staying active. We came to the decision that we need to do it now while the kids are young, and while we still feel young. But, we were careful not to say things like “diet” or “lose weight” around the kids. The focus is always health, not weight.

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Super easy chicken fajitas with Foster Farms Simply Raised

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Super Easy Chicken FajitasI don’t know about you, but there’s a direct correlation between the amount of summer sun and the amount of time I don’t want to spend cooking. Basically, my goal each weeknight is to get everyone fed and happy so we can get outside and play as soon as possible to enjoy time as a family after work. So, when Foster Farms contacted me about trying out some of their Simply Raised antibiotic free chicken to create an easy weeknight recipe post, I jumped at the chance.

Why Foster Farms chicken?

Because there are no antibiotics administered, they are produced with no added sodium, given 100% vegetarian feed, American Humane Certified, and 100%  natural {minimally processed, no additives or preservatives, steroids or hormones} and they are locally grown throughout CA, OR, and WA. Oh, and the kids love the commercials with the talking chickens.

My summertime meal criteria includes the following: 1) no oven use because it turns the downstairs into a sauna 2) as few pots and pans as I can manage 3) cook extra whenever possible to enjoy leftovers for multiple nights 4) quick and easy meals are preferred and 5) healthy is a must

One of my favorite easy weeknight meals that satisfies all of these criteria is chicken fajitas because they are full of veggies and goodness, can be cooked in one pan, and they are super quick to make and enjoy for multiple nights.

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Make BBQ season last all year with 2-in-1 healthy grilling indoors or out from George Foreman

Sponsored postI can’t even tell you how many times our plans to grill have been thwarted by rain. Without a covered area to cook under, grilling in the rain just doesn’t sound fun and we usually end up just using the oven or the stove instead.

If only there was such thing as an indoor/outdoor grill that could safely be used both inside AND outside. Well, that’s exactly what the George Foreman 15 Serving Indoor/Outdoor Electric Grill {GFO240GM} is designed to do, and it can make it so inclement weather never ruins your next grilled meal.  George Foreman outdoor grill

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No-stress Easter dinner with HoneyBaked Ham

Sponsored post basic disclosureHoneyBaked Ham EasterSome people are natural born hostesses with buffet tables stocked with everything they could need for gatherings of all kinds, recipes at the ready to wow, and the organization to pull it all together. For me, even the thought of entertaining used to really stress me out. I worried about whether I would have everything perfect for guests, I worried over how clean my house was, and most of all, I worried what I would serve to eat that would work well for a crowd.

But, this year I've been entertaining more and more now that it's just easier to stay home with a newborn and have everyone come to us. And, while I wish I could say I've gotten better about tidying up before house guests, the truth is that now I just blame it on the baby. But, there's one thing I've gotten really good about doing as a mom of three: delegating.

That means when someone says, "Can I do something?", the answer is, "Yes." Sometimes that something is just playing with the kids while I get stuff done, sometimes it's bringing a dish or two, and sometimes that means handing off my baby to the first one in the door so I can enjoy some much needed time using both of my hands. HoneyBaked tipBut, my best delegating has got to be the addition of HoneyBaked Ham to our entertaining routine. My #1 tip for surviving entertaining during the holidays is letting HoneyBaked Ham handle the food for me.

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